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Precipitation Air Masses and Fronts

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1 Precipitation Air Masses and Fronts
March 2011

2 Cloud Word Bank 1. Strato 2. Cirro 3. Alto 4. Cirrus
5. Puffy, flat bottomed 6. Layered 7. Rain

3 Air Masses 1. Air Mass- large body of air that has the similar moisture and temperature throughout it 2. An air mass gets it moisture and temperature characteristics from the area over which it forms.

4 Air Masses 3. Masses are represented with a two letter symbol.
4. First letter represents moisture characteristics 5. Second symbol represents temperature characteristics

5 Symbols Types of Symbols 6. Maritime (m)- forms over water; wet
7. Continental (c)-forms over land; dry 8. Polar (P)-forms over polar regions; cold 9. Tropical (T)- forms over the Tropics; warm

6 Cold Air Masses 3 polar air masses influence weather

7 Northern California/Southern California

8 Warm Air Masses 4 warm masses influence weather

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