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The Cold War Divides the World

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1 The Cold War Divides the World
Ch 17 Sec 4

2 Review What does the term First World mean? Second World? Third World?

3 Setting the Stage Nations grouped into 1 of 3 “worlds”
Industrialized capitalists- U.S. Communist- U.S.S.R. Third World – developing nations, “nonaligned” with U.S. or U.S.S.R.

4 The American Way Contain communism Spread liberal democracy
Support American business Spread capitalism and free trade Oppose imperialism and support self- determination (as long as the movement is not communist)

5 The Soviet Way • Oppose imperialism and support self- determination
• Spread communism and economic equality • Support communist parties abroad • Protect the Soviet Union

6 So…what is the THIRD Way?
As you read the text, be able to answer: 1) How might the author’s background, nationality and career influence his perspective 2) What are at least 2 major ideas or goals from the source 3) In the author’s opinion, what is the third way?

7 The THIRD Way Oppose colonialism and dependence on former imperialists
Avoid copying European/Western ideas Develop industrial economies End racism Pursue non-alignment Is the THIRD WAY plausible? Is it flawed? Why or why not?


9 Cold War Strategies Foreign Aid Espionage (CIA, KGB)
- Central Intelligence Agency - KGB is the world’s largest spy and state-security machine, involved in all aspects of life of everyday people in the SU. Multinational Alliances (NATO, Warsaw) Propaganda Brinkmanship Surrogate Wars

10 1953 Joseph Stalin dies and Nikita Khrushchev takes his place
Nikita Khrushchev takes Stalin’s place

11 Fidel Castro and Cuban Revolution
1959 Fidel Castro leads revolution to overthrow FB Suspends elections, controls press, jails opponents Nationalized industries U.S. loses businesses Castro turns to Soviets for aid when Eisenhower orders a trade embargo on all trade with Cuba. 1950’s Cuba ruled by dictator Fulgencio Batista

12 Give History Blueprint – CWW2.12
Background of the Cuban Missile Crisis Then, Second Declaration of Havana

13 Stalin Dies – 1953 Nikita Khrushchev takes Stalin’s place

14 Bay of Pigs Invasion 1960- CIA trains anti-Castro exiles
April they invade Cuba without air support Cuba defends themselves and defeats U.S. –trained exiles Why did they not missile strike Cuba? Would make US directly involved Ruin sugar plantations possible eruption of warheads on Cuba

15 1961 Eisenhower retires and John F. Kennedy takes his place




19 The Cuban Missile Crisis
The Cold War Gets HotHot”

20 Causes US had nuclear missiles in Turkey aimed at the SU
Turkey, like other countries in NATO alliance, worried about the willingness of the U.S. to use nuclear weapons against the S.U., should Moscow decide to invade Western Europe American nuclear weapons (first deployed in Turkey in 1959) were considered to be a symbol of the American commitment to Turkish defense. Soooo, naturally Khrushchev wanted missiles aimed at the U.S.







27 Clip from Thirteen Days 33:00 – 48:00

28 President Kennedy’s Options
Order an air strike to try and destroy the missile sites, anti-aircraft units, and the Soviet-Cuban military power. Order an invasion of Cuba to try and destroy the missiles and overthrow Fidel Castro’s communist government. Order a naval blockade to prevent Soviet arms shipments to Cuba, and demand that the USSR remove all their military units or face a nuclear attack from the United States.


30 Course July 1962 - SU put nuclear missiles in Cuba aimed at the US
Oct US setup a blockade (“quarantine”) of Cuba to prevent more missiles SU challenged the blockade, but pulled back at the last second moment, avoiding nuclear war

31 Standard 10. 9 Analyze the causes of the Cold War

32 Consequences Khrushchev agrees to remove missiles in exchange for U.S. not to invade Cuba US and SU made a deal: 1) SU took its missiles out of Cuba immediately 2) US took its missiles out of Turkey six months later


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