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What would you do?.

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Presentation on theme: "What would you do?."— Presentation transcript:

1 What would you do?

2 On your way to school you see that one of your teachers has broken down in their car. What do you do? Go straight past – you don’t want to be late too. Offer to help push while they jump-start the car. Offer to help in return for no homework. Think about helping, but worry about looking a suck-up, so just walk past.

3 You see a man lying down in the street, who looks like he’s been mugged. What do you do?
Walk on by, don’t get involved. Stop and see if he’s all right, calling an ambulance if needed. If no one is looking, go through his pockets for valuables. Consider helping him, but don’t in case you get blamed for the attack.

4 On your way to the bus stop you see a man who has lost his wallet
On your way to the bus stop you see a man who has lost his wallet. What do you do? Do nothing. He should have been more careful. Help him look, then give him money for bus fare if you can’t find the wallet. Check what the finder’s reward is, then help look. Consider helping him, but don’t in case you miss your bus.

5 A woman on the bus drops all her shopping. What do you do?
Stand and watch her pick it up. Help her pick it up, then listen to her endless chat about how things aren’t like they used to be. Nip past and steal the last seat. Think about helping her, but leave it too late and end up doing nothing.

6 Mum is about to arrive home and the place is a mess. What do you do?
Go to your room and do something else - if she wants you to tidy, she can ask. Start tidying so she can come home to a neat house. Go to a friend’s so you can’t be asked to tidy up. Think about tidying up, but get distracted by whatever’s on television.

7 If you answered mostly A:
You wouldn’t hurt a fly, but you wouldn’t help one either. You are so concerned not to do anything bad to anyone that you never think to do anything good for them either.

8 If you answered mostly B:
You are always looking for the chance to help others, even if that means putting yourself out.

9 If you answered mostly C:
You only really look out for yourself, don’t you? It’s all about what you can get out of any given situation, and who cares how that affects anyone else.

10 If you answered mostly D:
You want to help other people, but you can always find a reason to hesitate and let the moment pass. Your indecision is final.

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