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Year 7 Revision May 2015.

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1 Year 7 Revision May 2015

2 MAPSKILLS Flash - drag and drop exercise

3 2.8 Ordnance Survey maps Oxford University Press; map reproduced with the permission of the Controller of Her Majesty’s Stationery Office © Crown Copyright



6 With their capital cities
28 Members of the EU With their capital cities

7 What is the EU? This is the EU flag

8 ..What is the European Union?
1. The European Union is a group of countries whose governments work together. 2. It's a bit like a club. To join you have to agree to follow the rules and in return you get certain benefits. 3. Each country has to pay money to be a member. They mostly do this through taxes. 4. Countries join because they think that they will benefit from the changes the EU makes. Also 5. The EU uses the money to change the way people live and do business in Europe.


10 Tributary (a river which joins a larger river) Catchment (the area from which water drains into a particular drainage basin) Watershed (the boundary dividing one drainage basin from another) Confluence (the point at which two rivers join)

11 What is a flood? Meander cross section
A flood happens when a river overflows its banks However, a flood becomes a problem when the water threatens property and/or life. bankfull discharge Meander cross section

12 Why do rivers flood? Physical Factors Human Factors Clay soil

13 Widen and deepen channel
Flood relief channels (these increase the capacity of the river by creating more channels) Widen and deepen channel (to increase the capacity of the river) Flood warning systems ‘Solutions’ to flooding Floodplain Zoning Plant trees (increase evapotranspiration - this reduces the amount of water that reaches the river) Concrete beds and banks (increase the velocity of the river) Dams (these control the flow of the water in the upper course and thus reduce flooding. e.g. Donzere on the Rhone) reduces the likelihood of future flooding reduces the impact of future floods

14 Manchester Birmingham Cardiff London Edinburgh Ben Nevis Glasgow
Belfast Slieve Donard Scafell Pike Snowdon Manchester Birmingham Cardiff London

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