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AP Human Geography Cities and Urban Land Use Unit

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1 AP Human Geography Cities and Urban Land Use Unit
NFL and CPT AP Human Geography Cities and Urban Land Use Unit

2 NFL and Christaller’s Central Place Theory
(1.) Label and plot the 13 most populous cities found on the map (based on 2015 estimates). Use an atlas to identify the exact location of the city. Put the ranking (1-13) beside the city name as well. (2.) Draw a football next to EACH city that has an NFL team. One city has two teams. (3.) You get to create a new NFL team. Pick a toponym and team name/mascot (T= Houston; TN/M=Texans). (4.) Using the cities remaining (cities w/out teams), pick a city to be the new home of your NFL team. On the back of your map, use CENTRAL PLACE THEORY to explain the location of your team. (5.) Also on the back, name your stadium. Lastly, discuss three things that must be considered when building a new professional sports stadium.

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