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The role of Coventry University in the project

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1 The role of Coventry University in the project Re@WBC
Prof Dobrila Petrovic Dr Rebekah Smith McGloin Dr Kieran Fenby-Hulse Dr Heather Sears Ms Katie Watson 1st Steering Committee Meeting , University of Belgrade, Serbia 1st and 2nd Dec, 2016

2 Kick-off meeting in Nis, 10 and 11 Dec, 2015 ,
Prof Dobrila Petrovic and Dr Rebekah Smith McGloin - Introduced Coventry University and the research strategy

3 2. Meeting at Coventry University, 20-24 June, 2016, the whole team
Developing research capability – broader UK context Research strategy and overview of support for researchers at Coventry University Doctoral training Innovations in doctoral training Supervisor development Research integrity Researchers’ career progression Challenges and opportunities of early and middle career researchers Coventry Conference New building for Faculty of Engineering, Environment and Computing

4 3. Administrative staff competences improved, September 22nd, 2016,
University of Novi Sad, Serbia Dr Rebekah Smith McGloin Implementation of the UK Concordat to Support the Career Development of Researchers:  Challenges and Innovations for Research Support Staff Dr. Rebekah Smith McGloin presented the implementation of the UK Concordat to support the career development of researchers at the Coventry University and discussed the challenges and innovations for research support staff.

5 Why do we need Research Ethics Committees and what do they do?
4. Enhancing Research Ethics Committees, Nov 2016 in Kragujevac, Serbia Dr Kieran Fenby-Hulse Why do we need Research Ethics Committees and what do they do? Who should sit on an ethics committee? Developing capability in research ethics ·         Why do we need Research Ethics Committees and what do they do? (This will include discussion of the UK’s Concordat to Support Research Integrity) ·         Who should sit on an ethics committee: Moral preferences or subject expertise? ·         Developing capability in research ethics: Ethics Committee Members as role models, mentors, and trainers.

6 5. To come: 15 and 16 Dec, 2016, Coventry University, UK
Train the trainer: Supervision training for supervisors and students - Coventry University curriculum framework for PhD students - From supervisee to supervisor - How to manage the supervisory relationship Communication training - Postgraduate and early-career researchers Writing successful funding proposals From supervisee to supervisor – Example workshop on how to train supervisors on good practice in supervision

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