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Greece III. Architecture.

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Presentation on theme: "Greece III. Architecture."— Presentation transcript:

1 Greece III. Architecture

2 A. Columns Columns are part of Post and Lintel type construction

3 Egyptians used post and lintel architecture in their buildings

4 The Greeks adopted post and lintel from the Egyptians modifying and developing their own style of column or order decoration There are three types of Greek columns--which are still used today.

5 1. Doric The first of the Greek order (the oldest)

6 2. Ionic The second Greek order (the middle)

7 3. Corinthian The third type of the Greek order

8 Columns are the post part in construction; the Greeks also modified the Lintel part

9 Pediment (Lintel): Frieze: statues; usually of the Gods

10 B. Buildings Many Greek buildings remain in partial standing
These buildings and styles influenced Roman architecture that followed.

11 1. Acropolis Main temple complex in Athens—and Greece
Built by Pericles; “Golden Age of Athens”

12 2. Parthenon Athena’s Temple at the Acropolis

13 3. Athena Nike Temple

14 Athena Nike cont.


16 c. Review

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