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Rosa Fung Director, Business and Financial Analysis

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Presentation on theme: "Rosa Fung Director, Business and Financial Analysis"— Presentation transcript:

1 Create a simple Budget vs. Actual Income and Expense Report in Adaptive
Rosa Fung Director, Business and Financial Analysis College of Medicine - Tucson

2 Health Science Instance Using Adaptive for almost two years
Introductions Health Science Instance Using Adaptive for almost two years Commitment management All Funds Budgeting Banner transaction data collections Data entry View data only Budget information in Adaptive Already writing reports Attempted to write reports but have difficulties Knowledge on Versions and Level Knowledge on Accounts and Time

3 Objective Step-by-step writing a simple Budget vs. Actual Income Statement report in Adaptive Intro Helpers Things you need to know I’m going to show you a sample output that I’m going to build with you You will build your own with a group of helpers in the room (Intro of the helpers – name and Instance)

4 Report Output – live demonstration

5 Adaptive Data Actuals loaded weekly by the Budget Office On Mondays
All Instances except for Grants and Contracts which are loaded daily. Budget Budget Data in Adaptive Data Entry Import After this slide, start the actual step-by-step presenation

6 Matrix Report Commonly used
Build reports with dimensions on both the rows and columns of the report Generally, Account dimension in the rows and Time dimension in the columns We’ll only be focusing on Matrix Report for this class.

7 Basic 4 Elements in creating a report
Left side of the report page Use the Search feature if you know the key word of the field you are looking for

8 Basic 4 Elements in creating a report – Cont.
Accounts GL (Object Code), Modeled, Assumptions Time Annual, Monthly, FYTD Levels Use Worksheet Filters to change report levels check with your Instance Administrator for Level structure Versions Time periods or versions check with your Instance Administrator for Versions structure This report is using GL for the Account Time – Annual and FYTD Levels – Org code, Filter on the highest level, ability to set parameter to filter for lower levels Version – we use both: Fiscal Years and versions

9 Report Pane Similar to pivot tables
select the appropriate field from each of the Elements Drag-and-Drop onto the Report Pane

10 Remember Adaptive does not offer UNDO feature Save report frequently
Start with the basic data selections Add new data or formatting one at a time Save each time the desired output is returned

11 Report Properties

12 Report Properties - Default setting
Know where they are and play with the tabs to customize your report

13 Filters and Parameters
Use for flexibility in selecting or limiting the desired report output Can have multiple Filters and Parameters This sample report is setting up so the user can filter by Level

14 Parameter Properties Check off this box for a Prompt before running the report

15 Parameters Prompts before the report is run

16 Right click on the Element to bring up the Properties menu
Element Properties We talked about Properties for the whiole Report, Now this Properties implies to the Element Right click on the Element to bring up the Properties menu

17 Option to customize the header description
Element Properties Option to customize the header description The Code will be the Header if left blank

18 Element Properties – Cont.
Customize header and data on the report output

19 Another useful Element - Calculations
Subtotal sum of rows or columns

20 Another useful Element - Calculations
Difference Subtract from row or column Can be reversed via Difference Options

21 Another useful Element - Calculations
Custom Use Formula Assistance

22 Other features Segment Blank Space Custom Header

23 Other features - Segment
Generally used when multiple years or versions on the same report

24 Other features – Blank Space
Generally used for formatting for a cleaner report output

25 Other features – Custom Header (Label)
Right click on the Element to bring up Properties to modify the Label

26 Pros and Cons with Adaptive reports
Quick and easy to view data Format less attractive when exported to Excel/PDF OfficeConnect offers flexible formatting and formula writing in Excel Delivers professional-feel presentation We offer a separate class for OfficeConnect report writing class

27 Live Demonstration Build a simple budget vs. actual income statement in Adaptive

28 Attendees to build their own report

29 Contacts Academic Instance Grants and Contracts Instance
Brian Berrellez Tara Mysak Grants and Contracts Instance Chris Duggan Jason Von Fange Health Science Instance Rosa Fung Student Affairs Instance Erik Reinold

30 Thank you

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