IB Psych 9/29/16 Today’s Agenda: Localization HW:

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1 IB Psych 9/29/16 Today’s Agenda: Localization HW:
Turn in: SAQ Practice #1 Take out : Planner Writing Implement Your Notes from your Reading… Textbook Word Processing Tool Today’s Learning Objectives: I can OUTLINE principles that define the Biological Level of Analysis Today’s Agenda: Localization HW: SAQ Practice #2 (By Friday 7:25am)

2 Localization of Function
The thought that functions are controlled by certain areas of the brain…

3 Definition The assumption that specific functions are associated with specific areas of the brain

4 Animal experimentation Lesioning Post-mortem studies Case studies
Research Research is based on: Animal experimentation Lesioning Post-mortem studies Case studies Computer imaging


6 Phineas Gage RR worker injured by an explosion Frontal lobe damage
In particular, the ventromedial region on the left side at the underbelly of the frontal lobe Was able to recover and function normally but his personality drastically changed

7 Paul Broca 1861: Discovered an area of the left frontal lobe involved with speech production, specifically “syntax” It has been known as “Broca’s Area” ever since

8 Broca’s Area

9 Carl Wernicke 1874: Discovered an area in the left hemisphere crucial for language comprehension Left posterior superior temporal gyrus Would become known as Wernicke’s Area

10 Wernicke’s Area

11 So, what’s the difference???
To mean: "The dog needs to go out so I will take him for a walk.” Wernicke’s aphasic patient might say: “You know that smoodle pinkered and that I want to get him round and take care of him like you want before.” Broca’s aphasic patient might say: “Walk dog.”

12 Can we see it in action??? Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) is a technique for temporarily disrupting the function of specific cortical regions. The technique is noninvasive and is not known to have residual effects.

13 Other Study: Gazzaniga
As you watch, take note of the following: Method AIM/Hypothesis Procedure Results Implications (how does this relate to localization of brain function)

14 Using your Learning Outcomes Chart
What studies have you read about and/or discussed in class? To which Learning Outcomes might those studies apply? Consider this as you are moving forward with your SAQ practice pieces… Check out the website…start charting…

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