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Partly Verifiable Signals (c.n.)

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Presentation on theme: "Partly Verifiable Signals (c.n.)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Partly Verifiable Signals (c.n.)
Glazer and Rubinstein (ECMA 2004) Glazer and Rubinstein (TE 2006)

2 Persuasion game State space finite with aspect Action space
Sender always prefers Acceptance and rejection region Verification mechanism

3 Preferences over Verification Mechanism
Fix Let R preferences over verification mechanisms Type one error Type two error Optimal mechanism solves

4 Auxiliary result Consider a problem
P1: For any solution there exist optimal mechanism for which C: is optimal iff implied solves Optimal mechanism: direct, conservative with Result holds for arbitrary objective function increasing in each component

5 Characterization Linear program has simple structure
Domain: Convex polytope Set of extreme points is finite At least one extreme point is a solution With more than one extreme point, any convex combination is also a solution Alon (2003): Any extreme point takes a form

6 Main Result Linear programming: strong structure with extreme points
``Fair coin’’ mechanism: P2: There exist an optimal mechanism that uses fair coin randomization Result dramatically simplifies search for an optimal mechanism Number of checks

7 Intuition Example Glazer and Rubinstein give example with

8 Deterministic Mechanism
Definition: Example 1: optimal mechanism is deterministic Example 2: Deterministic mechanism is not optimal General conditions under which deterministic mechanism is optimal? Alternative interpretation of deterministic SR model.

9 Result Assume: with uniform distribution is monotonic
closed convex and non-empty P: There exists an optimal mechanism that is direct and deterministic.

10 Heuristic proof Deterministic mechanism characterized by ``persuasive facts’’ For mechanism accepts iff Parametric class of deterministic mechanisms Sketch of the proof the mechanism exists (within the restricted class) necessary conditions for the mechanism attains lower bound given by L priciple

11 Heuristic proof Necessary optimality conditions for thresholds

12 Geometry of errors L-principle

13 Credibility So far we have assumed commitment
Outcome of can be implemented as PBN in a sequential SR game Construction of equilibrium uses solution to a dual problem

14 Related questions How large is the set of optimal mechanisms?
What are Pareto undominated ones? Consider objective function How the set of optimal mechanisms changes with Non-linear objective functions?

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