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Particle Physics and Astrophysics Photon Science (X-Rays)

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Presentation on theme: "Particle Physics and Astrophysics Photon Science (X-Rays)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Particle Physics and Astrophysics Photon Science (X-Rays)
Intro to SLAC Science Particle Physics and Astrophysics Photon Science (X-Rays)

2 Particle Physics and Astrophysics
Experimental Particle Physics Theoretical Particle Physics Accelerator Research and Development Kavli Institute for Particle Astrophysics and Cosmology

3 B Factory BaBar Studying the differences in physics of matter and that of antimatter Puzzle –laws of physics very similar, but Universe has matter, no antimatter Produces B and B-Bar (anti-B) mesons

4 BaBar Detector

5 Accelerator Research Developing new technologies
Plasma Acceleration, Laser assisted acceleration …. Contibuting to R&D for ILC head to head linear accelerators for high energy electron-positron collisions

6 KIPAC GLAST –Gamma Ray Large Area Space Telescope –to fly starting next January LSST –large synoptic survey telescope --to be built in Chile Theory and simulations


8 LSST—survey telescope

9 Download some transparencies
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           First Structure Formation, the First Star and the First Supernova computed by Tom Abel (PSU), Greg Bryan (Oxford) and Mike Norman (UCSD) and visuzalized for the Discovery Channel Program "The Unfolding Universe" by Ralf Kaehler (ZIB), Donna Cox, Bob Patterson and Stuart Levy (NCSA). The copyright is with Discovery Channel. It is ok for you to show the plot at scientific meetings and discussions. You may print personal copies for yourself but please do not even think of commercially reproducing these images. Expanding quasar ionization front from Abel, Norman and Madau (1998).           Minimum mass scale to coolapse a la Tegmark etal. but in the revised version of Abel, Anninos, Norman, and Zhang (1998). 8 Transparencies visualizing the density field in the highest resolution simulation cosmological primordial star formation simulation to date. With a dynamic range of > 10^7 we realistically follow the formation of the "first star in the universe". The, dark matter dynamics, hydrodynamics, non-equilibirum chemistry and cooling, as well as the effects of radiative transfer are computed self-consistently on scales from 6kpc down to 1000 astronomical units. As baryons fall into dark matter potential wells of ~10^6 solar masses they shock heat to virial temperature and start to form hydrogen molecules in the gas phase. Chemo--thermal instability leads to the formation of multiple dense and cold isothermal pockets of gas on scales of a tenth the virial radius. A proto-stellar core of ~100 solar mass (~ Bonor-Ebert Mass) forms through secondary gravitational instability. The results within .01 pc are preliminary !!                                                                                              Last modified: Mon May 31 13:14:16 MDT 1999

10 Photon Science SSRL–Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Lab
--X-Ray studies of matter (biomolecules, silicon chip surfaces, trace elements…) PULSE –fast time resolution of atomic level processes X-LAM—laboratory for advanced materials LCLS –linac coherent light souce an X-Ray laser under construction

11 Transporter

12 Decoding Archimedes Palimpsest


14 Behavior of Charges, Excitons and Plasmons at Organic/Inorganic Interfaces
Molecule-Metal Separation Relaxation Process 1nm 10nm 100nm 1μm Super Exchange Charge Tunneling Charge Hopping Electron-hole pair generation Plasmon generation Far-field radiation Overview of the relevant decay processes of an excited molecule near an interface. At different molecule-metal separations different decay processes compete with each other. Many emerging energy and information technologies use combinations of organic/ inorganic materials and interfaces. The behavior of excited-state phenomena within organic materials at inorganic interfaces is not well understood At nanometer lengthscales, a variety of relaxation processes influence the optical and electronic properties molecular memories solar cells molecular memories organic electronics

15 LCLS-electron beam X-Ray laser

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