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Presentation on theme: "INJURY REPORTS & MEDICAL TERMINOLOGY"— Presentation transcript:


2 Injury Reports: There are 2 types of Athletic Training injury reports:
H.O.P.S. History Observation Palpation Special tests S.O.A.P. Subjective Objective Assessment Plan

3 HOPS: HISTORY: Taking a patient history by asking questions...
What happened? Where is the pain? Have you ever had this injury before? Etc.

4 HOPS: OBSERVTION: Observing for signs... Bruising Swelling Deformity
Redness Etc.

5 HOPS: PALPATION: palpation is evaluation by touching or feeling the injured body part palpate for pain feel for heat to the injured area palpate for deformity feel for swelling Etc.

6 HOPS: SPECIAL TESTS: special tests are going to be specific to the body part injured. usually tests ligament laxity manual muscle tests testing for fractures Etc.

7 SOAP: SUBJECTIVE: subjective is what the patient feels or things that they can tell you that you cannot necessarily see. History Pain Headache Nausea Etc.

8 SOAP: OBJECTIVE: objective is the evaluation of what you can see
Swelling Bruising Deformity Etc.

9 SOAP: ASSESSMENT: assessment would be assessing the injury using palpation and special tests

10 SOAP: PLAN: this would usually be the plan of action now that you know what the injury is rehabilitation or plan to get the patient back to their sport and competition.

11 TERMINOLOGY: Acute: sudden onset Chronic: gradual onset
Atrophy: wasting away of organs or tissue Edema: swelling Ecchymosis: bruising

12 TERMINOLOGY: Hematoma: localized collection of blood
Referred Pain: pain away from the injury site Valgus: distal aspect of limb is forced away from the midline Varus: distal aspect of the limb is forced toward the midline

13 ABBREVIATIONS: History: Hx Symptoms: Sx Treatment: Tx Diagnosis: Dx
Fracture: Fx

14 ABBREVIATIONS: Left:L with a circle around it Right: ® Patient: Pt.
Negative: - Positive: + c/o: complains of

15 ABBREVIATIONS: Pain: p with a line over it With: c with a line over it
Without: s with a line over it Increase: upward arrow Decrease: downward arrow

16 ABBREVIATIONS: Anterior: Ant. Posterior: Post. Flexion: Flex.
Extension: Ext. Laxity: Lax. Medial: Med. Lateral: Lat. Abduction: Abd. Adduction: Add.

17 ABBREVIATIONS: Range of Motion: ROM Active Range of Motion: AROM
Passive Range of Motion: PROM Upper Extremity: UE Lower Extremity: LE Manual Muscle Test: MMT Mechanism Of Injury: MOI Falling On Out Stretched Hand: FOOSH


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