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The Death and Resurrection of Democracy

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1 The Death and Resurrection of Democracy
Essential Question: Why did Democracy and Republic die off with the fall of the Roman empire only to be resurrected during the era of the Enlightenment?

2 I. The Fall of the Roman Empire:
The Roman empire had been divided in 395 after a nasty civil war The Western Roman Empire (which included Rome) fell to barbarians in 476 When Rome fell, the concepts of Democracy (will of the people) and republic (elected government representatives) seemed to die For the next 1000 plus years, Europe was dominated by absolute monarchs

3 II. Divine Right of Kings:
In the Middle Ages ( ’s), people believed that God made some people kings Since it was God’s will that they were kings, then many people felt they could not question their leaders Most people in the middle ages were extremely poor and lived short miserable lives Their leaders prospered and fought bloody wars to increase their lands The Palace of Versailles:

4 III. 1215: The Magna Carta The first step to bringing back democracy and republic was in when King John was fighting a civil war against his nobles He was captured and forced him to sign the Magna Carta This act took many powers from the king and gave them to parliament Parliament was made up of people elected by voting to represent the people Democracy and Republic live again

5 IV. A Revolution in Science:
The Scientific Revolution began in the 1500’s People began to actually read Many read works by Plato and Aristotle which talked about democracy and republic They began to question the “divine right of kings” Galileo: father of the telescope

6 V. A Glorious Revolution
In 1689, England was again fighting a civil war. Their king was kicked out and replaced by William and Mary Before they could become King and Queen, they had to sign the English Bill of Rights This document took some power away from them and gave it to the people. William and Mary

7 VI. The Enlightenment Begins:
After the Glorious Revolution, the idea of limiting the power of the monarchs spread Many people began to question the concept of “Divine Right of Kings” Over the next 200 years, wars would be fought, millions would die, and democracy and republic would make a strong return

Make a brief timeline with pictures that depicts the events that led to the fall of democracy and republic and lead all the way up to their restoration during the enlightenment.

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