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Presentation of the Engagement Group

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Presentation on theme: "Presentation of the Engagement Group"— Presentation transcript:

1 Presentation of the Engagement Group

2 Today’s Agenda Whakatau Tea Introductions Presentation Workshops
Kaupapa Presenters Presentation Workshops Feedback Next steps

3 From the Waitangi Tribunal Urgency Report
The Tribunal didn’t recommend starting again from scratch. It recommended we remedy the flaws identified and it strongly encouraged claimant groups to proceed together. This may involve negotiating with the Crown as one entity, or in parallel but with a unified and coordinated approach, and in either case with the knowledge that several settlement packages can be created.” Page 90 A NEW UNIFIED AND COORDINATED APPROACH

4 Ko wai mātou We are representatives of:
Te Kōtahitanga o Nga Hapū Ngāpuhi Taiwhenua Tūhoronuku IMA The Crown (Office of Treaty Settlements, Te Puni Kōkiri)

5 A tātou mahi Resolving issues raised in the Waitangi Tribunal’s Mandate Inquiry Report A pathway where hapu rangatiratanga is fundamental Real and substantial improvement to the structure and process Solutions that work for hapū at every level Develop a report with non-binding options and recommendations by 31 March

6 Purpose of these hui Present what we’ve been working on
Seek your views and feedback To inform the development of options There will be a series of full day wānanga in the week of March 14th for further review and participation

7 Next steps Take the information to your hapū for feedback
Discuss and debate the issues Provide any feedback to the engagement group by March 7th by: returning the form; or contacting an engagement group member Come to the next wananga

8 Background information
Please take a copy of the information handouts provided: Fortnightly reports (x4) The path to settlement Potential redress Hapū lists Post Settlement Governance Entities Summary Tribunal findings Need anything else? Please let us know

9 Key Principle Hapū and hapū rangatiratanga are fundamental in our negotiations process

10 What we’ve been doing: Process
We have been exploring what a real hapū-driven negotiations process looks like What is the ideal structure for representation and participation to support our negotiations process Identifying tasks in our negotiations process and the roles and responsibilities

11 What we’ve been doing: Potential structure for a unified, coordinated approach
Hapu-driven through a regional and collective approach We are still exploring the potential structures and processes to achieve this Structure to be discussed in depth at March wananga - See latest report

12 Issues for Consideration and Feedback
Potential structure for a unified and coordinated approach Hapū representation Kuia Kaumātua representation Urban representation Rūnanga representation

13 Hapū Representation Hapu rangatiratanga is paramount
Election processes fundamentally flawed Exploring options that support the ability for hapū to decide in accordance with their tikanga Hapu rangatiratanga and hapu tikanga are respected, protected and enhanced

14 Kuia Kaumātua representation
Currently there is one kuia and one kaumātua representative on the mandated body Option discussed for Kuia Kaumātua to instead be represented directly through their hapū to: Enhance Kuia Kaumātua participation Support and enhance hapū rangatiratanga

15 Urban representation Currently 4 urban representatives on mandated entity Option discussed for Ngāpuhi wherever they may live to be represented through their hapū Strengthening the hapū of Ngāpuhi through re-connection Ensuring all Ngāpuhi no matter where they live have the ability to participate in a way that strengthens a hapū driven negotiations process

16 Te Rūnanga-a-Iwi o Ngāpuhi (TRAION) Representation
Currently represented through a seat on the mandated entity Option discussed is for removal of seat because: Participation /support by TRAION doesn’t require a seat Allows more flexibility to include other Rūnanga, Trusts and organisations if desired

17 What we’ve been doing: Further issues for hapu consideration
hapū lists hapū database development hapū withdrawal mechanism Name change PSGE(s) Transition Any other issues and feedback

18 hapū lists Opportunity to review the list of hapū and regions of Ngāpuhi Develop understanding of who and where Ngāpuhi hapū are Things to consider: hapū within each region (not limited to one region) Traditional/historical/active/inactive Relationships with other hapū

19 hapū databases Development of hapū databases is a priority project
Regional Ngāpuhi Collective Strengthening communications

20 hapū withdrawal Need for workable hapū withdrawal mechanism identified in Tribunal report Need for robust, fair dispute resolution process (withdrawal as a last resort) Aim is to design a good, sound negotiations process so withdrawal is less likely

Name change Suggestions for a new name for the NEW UNIFIED AND COORDINATED APPROACH Will be reviewing at the wānanga in March

22 Conclusion We really want to hear your views on these issues and ideas
Form into workshops

23 1 sheet for each issue Scribes Choose someone to report back
Workshops Potential structure for Unified and coordinated approach Representation Hapū Kuia Kaumātua Urban Rūnanga 1 sheet for each issue Scribes Choose someone to report back

24 Next steps Take the information to your hapū for feedback
Discuss and debate the issues Provide any feedback to the engagement group by March 7th by: returning the form; or contacting an engagement group member Come to the next wananga

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