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Before we begin… 1. Sign-in at the front table. 2

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1 Before we begin… 1. Sign-in at the front table. 2
Before we begin… 1. Sign-in at the front table. 2. Sign-up for your tentative conference time in September. The sign-up sheet is also on the front table Complete the YELLOW Back to School Night survey for my records and place in blue basket on the back kidney table.

2 Welcome to Mrs. Osuna’s 1st grade class!

3 A little bit about me…

4 Family/Teacher Communication How to contact me:. Phone
Family/Teacher Communication How to contact me: Phone (909) x Send a note Set up a meeting to speak in person I will update our classroom website weekly* I will send text message reminders using Remind 101 to *Website maintenance depends on frequency of use

5 Our daily schedule:. Students arrive by 8:40am. Seatwork & Calendar
Our daily schedule: Students arrive by 8:40am Seatwork & Calendar Math Language Arts Recess Language Arts/Intervention/Learning Stations Lunch Language Arts Afternoon recess Science/Soc. Studies/Art/Computers/Library P.E. Pack up/Dismissal at 3:20pm See Classroom Management Plan…

6 Howard Cattle & 1st Grade Behavior Management Plan. Character Traits
Howard Cattle & 1st Grade Behavior Management Plan Character Traits Trustworthy Respectful Responsible Fairness Caring Citizenship

7 Howard Cattle & 1st Grade Behavior Management Plan

8 Mrs. Osuna’s Behavior Management The flexible behavior chart encourages Howard Cattle’s 6 behavior traits: trustworthy, respectful, responsible, fairness, caring, and citizenship. Positives Consequences Verbal praise Verbal warning Clip up Clip down Prize bin Time out Diamonds Rethinking letter Pink clips Parent contact Behavior is recorded daily in their agenda Sign Classroom Management Plan

9 Homework & Spelling Homework is for curricular reinforcement
Homework & Spelling Homework is for curricular reinforcement. Homework should NOT take longer than 30 minutes a day (excluding the time you spend reading). Each day, homework will include*: Reading log Language arts Math Homework will go home on Mondays (or first day of the week) in a black homework folder and is returned on Fridays (or last day of the week). Spelling assessments are on Fridays. Spelling tests will be in dictation format. *This week’s homework was the pennant project instead.

10 Homework & Spelling

11 Curriculum, Assessments, & Report Cards Wonders
Curriculum, Assessments, & Report Cards Wonders Online Programs: Pearson Realize Starfall Step Up to Writing IXL ? Thinking Maps Accelerated Reader/AR FAST Star Reading Weekly Assessments Report Cards are standards-based. Students receive a 1, 2, 3, or 4.

12 Report Cards Cont. Traditional report cards only give one grade per subject, while standards-based report cards give 1+ grades in reading, writing, math, and P.E.. We are shifting from earning points for a grade, to learning skills in each subject. Performance level marks (1, 2, 3, or 4) measure student’s progress towards mastering a standard.

13 Other business… Rustler folders & Agendas No Excuses University – Cal State Long Beach! Awards Assemblies (Raptor) Internet Policy Accelerated Reader – Scholastic Book Orders Snacks/Lunch Birthdays Supplies “How Full is Your Bucket?” Superhero of the Week Monday-Poster Tuesday-Share bag Wednesday-Favorite book Thursday-Parent shares Friday-Pick the new Superhero

14 Questions?

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