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I Peter Lesson 6.

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1 I Peter Lesson 6

2 Born Again God’s mercy CAUSED believers to be born again
I Pet. 1:3, 23 Brought about through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead Not of perishable seed, but imperishable, through the living and enduring Word of God “Seed”: spora – the act of sowing, figuratively for spiritual seed or the Word of God Physical birth = perishable seed Spiritual birth = imperishable seed

3 “Word” of God The Rhema and The Logos
Logos – Jesus Christ, the expression of thought, the imperishable Word, God’s Word Rhema – that which is spoken, a statement, word I Pet. 1:23 They believed through the living and enduring word – Logos – of God I Pet. 1:25 But the word – rhema – of the Lord endures forever. And this is the word – rhema – which was preached to you.

4 John and I John John 3:5 a person must be born of water (flesh, physical) and the Spirit (spiritual) in order to ENTER the kingdom of God John 3:3 No one can SEE the kingdom of God unless he is born again. I John 3:7 IF you are born again you practice righteousness, not sin I John 3:9 Result of Holy Spirit abiding within IF we practice sin, as a habit of life, we are of the Devil I John 5:1,3 We love the Father/keep His commands I John 5:8 We are kept by God from the evil one

5 “Love” in I Peter 1:22 Since you have in obedience to the truth purified your souls for a sincere love (phileo) of the brethren Purified: “hagnizo” – sanctify, consecrate Believers are to fervently love (agapao) one another from the heart Fervently: ekteros – earnestly, strenuously, describing the verbal idea of extended out to its necessary potential; without slack, undue let up (as completely taut) Instruction; so not an emotion

6 I Peter 2:1-8 Therefore: Since you have been born again and believed the Word preached to you… Put aside: malice, deceit, hypocrisy, envy, slander 2:2 LONG for the pure milk of the Word So that, you will grow in salvation (not the word) Is growing in your salvation, growing in the Word? 2:4 Believers are living stones/spiritual house 2:6 Jesus is the cornerstone 2:6 Believers won’t be disappointed or put to shame 2:8 Unbelievers, those who reject Jesus, are disobedient to the Word: appointed doom awaits

7 I Peter 2:9-25 2:9 Chosen race, royal priesthood, holy nation, God’s own possession, called OUT of darkness, INTO His marvelous light: Why? TO PROCLAIM HIS EXCELLENCIES 2:11-12 To keep my behavior/conduct excellent and honorable to glorify God 2:13-17 Submit: to every human institution, masters 2:18-25 Christ is our example in unjust suffering How do YOU live under unjust suffering? Are YOU being that example of God’s own possession?

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