Chapter 15 Section 5 The Impact of the New Deal

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1 Chapter 15 Section 5 The Impact of the New Deal

2 1. Labor New Deal Laws & Agencies Lasting Effects 1. Wagner Act
Labor unions can organize & collectively bargain 2. Fair Labor Standards Act Standards for labor & hours 3. National Labor Relations Board Government intervention in labor disputes

3 2. Agriculture & Rural Life
New Deal Laws & Agencies Lasting Effects 1. Agriculture Adj. Act Aid to farmers 2. Soil Conservation & Domestic Allotment Act Use fields intelligently 3. Tennessee Valley Authority Built and repaired dams 4. Rural Electrification Adm. Rural electricity 5. Public Utilities Holding Co. Government regulates rates

4 3. Banking & Finance New Deal Laws & Agencies Lasting Effects
1. Glass-Steagall Banking Act of 1933 Established the FDIC 2. Federal Securities Act Required corps. to provide complete information on all stock offerings 3. Securities & Exchange Commission Government supervision of stock market

5 4. Social Welfare 1. Social Security Act Unemployment insurance
New Deal Laws & Agencies Lasting Effects 1. Social Security Act old-age pension Unemployment insurance dependents and disabled

6 5. Environment New Deal Laws & Agencies Lasting Effects 1. CCC
Built and protected parks & beaches 2. Soil Conservation Service Prevent floods and dust storms

7 5. Environment New Deal Laws & Agencies Lasting Effects TVA
Prevent Floods Taylor Grazing Act Protect public lands

8 Supporters of the New Deal
The New Deal and Government kept capitalism alive and prevented socialism. The New Deal brought hope and gratitude. The New Deal protected many people from dying.

9 Critics of the New Deal Conservatives believe the government became too large and powerful. Government stifled free enterprise and individual initiative. Liberals think the New Deal did not close the gap between rich and poor. Taxes were too high and created a federal deficit.

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