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The Razor Sharp Red-Tailed Hawk

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Presentation on theme: "The Razor Sharp Red-Tailed Hawk"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Razor Sharp Red-Tailed Hawk
By: Mason Kineen

2 What does my animal look like?
My animal is brown and white with a red- brown tail It weighs about 2½ pounds. Red-Tailed Hawks are about inches long. Their wingspan is about four feet long. They have brown ears.

3 where does my animal live?
My animal live anywhere in north and south America except in high northern Canada.

4 What does my animal eat? The red-tailed hawk is a carnivore that eats:
Mice, squirrels, pigeons, rats, rabbits, snakes, gophers, ducks, crabs, and carrion ( dead meat ) .

5 What adaptations does it have to help it survive?
How It helps the Animal Survive Camouflage feathers To sneak up on prey Light bones To be able fly without flapping their wings much They can live almost anywhere They will survive almost anywhere They will eat whatever lives in the area They will not have to fly into a different habitat to get food

6 predators . The red-tailed hawk is the prey of Great Horned Owls, Red Foxes, and Raccoons

7 Reproduction My animal lays 1-5 eggs.

8 Here are some amazing facts:
It will grab It’s prey while flying. It will sometimes drop it’s prey from high heights to kill it.

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