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Entropy and Free Energy

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1 Entropy and Free Energy
December 18, 2017 Entropy and Free Energy thermo Learning Target: I CAN Apply concepts of entropy and free energy by reviewing a POGIL, and peer review a lab report

2 December 18, 2017 Do Now (4 min) Learning target: I CAN Apply concepts of entropy and free energy by reviewing a POGIL, and peer review a lab report Do Now (Answer on your Do Now Sheet): Define whether the following reactions have an increase or decrease in entropy: 2Al(s) + 3Br2(l)  2AlBr3 (s) 2H2 (g) + O2 (g)  2H2O (g) N2(g) + 3H2 (g)   2NH3 (g) Learning Target: I CAN Apply concepts of entropy and free energy by reviewing a POGIL, and peer review a lab report

3 announcements Afterschool tutoring – every Wednesday 3 – 4:30 PM
December 18, 2017 announcements Afterschool tutoring – every Wednesday 3 – 4:30 PM Lab report Final draft due Tuesday 12/18 ****** Thermo exam: Thursday 12/21 Mastering Chem CH19 – HW due tues 12/19 night Mastering Chem CH 20 – HW due Fri 12/22 night Learning Target: I CAN Apply concepts of entropy and free energy by reviewing a POGIL, and peer review a lab report

4 Peer review lab report (20 min)
December 18, 2017 Peer review lab report (20 min) Exchange your lab report with your neighbor Be honest and meticulously read each other’s reports Edit and leave comments Mark up the rubric This is beneficial for you and for your peer! Take it seriously! Learning Target: I CAN Apply concepts of entropy and free energy by reviewing a POGIL, and peer review a lab report

5 POGIL What questions would you like to focus on as a class?
December 18, 2017 POGIL What questions would you like to focus on as a class? Learning Target: I CAN Apply concepts of entropy and free energy by reviewing a POGIL, and peer review a lab report

6 December 18, 2017 Exit ticket (3 min) On a separate sheet of paper: What are the optimal signs for (delta)H and (delta)S for a spontaneous reaction? Learning Target: I CAN Apply concepts of entropy and free energy by reviewing a POGIL, and peer review a lab report

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