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Psalm 73:23-28 ( Tune: We Saw Thee Not)

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Presentation on theme: "Psalm 73:23-28 ( Tune: We Saw Thee Not)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Psalm 73:23-28 ( Tune: We Saw Thee Not)
Words: The Book of Psalms for Singing, 73C Music: Knowles Shaw Arrangement: Chris Reeves

2 1. Yet ev-er-more I am with Thee; Thou hold-est me by my right …hand
And Thou ev’n Thou my guide shall be; Thy coun-sel shall my way …com-mand

3 And af-ter-ward in glo-ry bright shalt Thou re-ceive me to Thy
…sight. And af-ter-ward in glo-ry bright shalt Thou re-ceive me to Thy …sight.

4 2. For whom have I in heav’n but Thee? None…
else on earth I long to know. My flesh may faint and wea-ry be; My heart may fail and heav-y …grow.

5 With strength doth God my heart re-store…
He is my por-tion ev-er-more. With strength doth God my heart re-store… He is my por-tion ev-er-more.

6 3. They per-ish that are far from Thee; Lo, in their lewd-ness…
they shall die, But sure-ly it is good for me that un-to God I should draw… nigh.

7 I re-fuge take in God the Lord, that all Thy works I may re-cord.

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