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VOICE/SILENCE: ChallAnging Dialectics

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Presentation on theme: "VOICE/SILENCE: ChallAnging Dialectics"— Presentation transcript:

1 VOICE/SILENCE: ChallAnging Dialectics
Visual Language and Culture By : Kristina Yegoryan

2 Visual artifact: Photo “Close up of Man's Mouth” Photographer: AR Images

3 THE MEANING Semiotics: Signified & Signifier Denotation / Connotation
Close up of man's mouth with a zipper Silence, Lack of Power, Gender and power relations Dialectics: Voice/silence Self/other Hierarchy, Displacements Opposition toward domination and power structure

4 THE DIALECTIC OF VOICE/SILENCE: the notion of power and subjectivity associated with gender expectations of those with voice versus silent ones.

5 Deconstructing the image ChallAnging Dialectics
French deconstructionist Jacques Derrida, explains the binary opposition by using the word “differ/a/nce” with a silent letter “a” to denote the systematic play of differences. According to Derrida the meaning of words is defined through appeal to additional words from which they differ, and it is that difference, which engenders binary opposition and hierarchies, and thus underpins meaning itself.

6 Rhetoric of Visual Image:
“The displacement of the order and meaning of each of these dialectics within the set, challenges their predetermined denotations and meanings ascribed to them” ( K. Yegoryan) Rhetoric of Visual Image: brings forth various meanings that the object in the image communicates through connotative association. Rhetorical meaning of the image: Opposition toward domination and power structure Self in the other

7 Female Gaze: Objectified Men Ideology: Power paradigm
WHAT DO I SEE IN THE IMAGE? Interpellation: Seeing oneself in the other “Because its sense of self is only ever garnered from identifying with the images of these others” (J. Lacan). Female Gaze: Objectified Men Ideology: Power paradigm Gender and Power Hierarchy Hegemony: The domination of men and the subordination of women Postmodernism: Skepticism, irony

8 ChallAnging Dialectics
Through displacement of dialectics the image suggests to reconsider problems that have been embedded in our social epitome for centuries. THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION!

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