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2 Welcome and introductions!
Dr Katrina Bannigan & Rob Nelder (Apologies Dr Clare Pettinger) IHCPPH Co-conveners @IHCPPH

3 (See poster) IMPACT AND IMPLICATIONS Led by two AHPs, this work exemplifies the importance of AHPs embracing strategic leadership roles. This study has been used to bring the Public Health community in Plymouth together in a new Public Health Forum ( to initiate an assessment framework to evaluate ‘Thrive Plymouth’. This ensures AHPs are at the heart of the development of research and evaluation of Public Health in Plymouth and provides opportunities for: Collaborative research involving AHP students, staff and practitioners, with direct findings being fed into current programmes Enhancing education – providing AHP students deeper insight into the wider ‘ecological’ factors shaping their future professional remit.

4 Working together as a network
Forum meetings – established with keynote speaker, time to network and discuss public health in Plymouth Beyond the meeting… Website - Please send your links to projects, resources or news items or any suggestions you have for the forum to

5 We need your ideas What should be the annual focus of Thrive Plymouth in future years? Use the post-its to make a suggestion and, if possible, add a rationale. During the fika put you post-its on the flipchart.

6 Today’s programme 13.15 Working with Public Health England to derive an estimate of the LGB population of England (Kerryn Husk) & Sanne Van Kampen Community & Primary Care, University of Plymouth 14.00 Forum-Fika (“to have coffee”) Don’t forget your post-its for the task 14.30 The Thrive Plymouth Assessment Framework Katrina Bannigan & Rob Nelder SOHP, Plymouth University & Public Health, Plymouth City Council Introduction to framework Scrutiny & discussion 15:45 Next meeting 16:00 Close

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