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Presentation on theme: "FASCISM, NAZISM, & COMMUNISM"— Presentation transcript:


2 FASCISM - a form of intense nationalism - led by one strong leader
- attempt to regulate every aspect of a person’s life

3 - puts the interest of the state over the individual
- glorified action, violence, and discipline Example: No labor unions, workers rights were violated, but the country’s economy improved

4 Where did this take place after WWI?
Italy - Mussolini Why would people like this? Promised no more political feuding which had been a major problem in Italy. Helped to bring order

5 NAZISM -National Socialist German Worker’s Party – (NAZI)
- based off the ideas of Mien Kampf (written by Hitler) “My Struggle” - believed that German’s were a part of the superior Aryan race

6 - Focused on Anti-Semitism
- many ideas based off of Mussolini

7 Examples of a Totalitarian state (The Third Reich)
- Gestapo - Nuremberg Laws - Kristallnacht - one single state church

8 Where did this take place after WWI?
Germany – Hitler Why would people like this? It provided some stability within the country. Hitler claimed he could solve the country’s numerous problems

9 COMMUNISM - Karl Marx, the founder of communism said you wouldn’t need a government under communism, Stalin went the opposite direction

10 Examples: Five Year Plans Collective Farms Socialist realism Atheism Use of Terror Gulag Great Purge

11 Where was this taking place?
USSR – Stalin Why didn’t the people fight back? the use of terror was so great there was no way to fight back

12 Did anything good come out of this?
Improved equality between men and women


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