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Chapter 12 Issues of Inclusion

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1 Chapter 12 Issues of Inclusion

2 Chapter Summary This chapter emphasises the importance of supporting all learners in becoming successful mathematicians in order to maximise life chances and choices. The chapter offers a wide range of strategies to support all learners whatever their specific learning needs.

3 Effective teachers of numeracy
Connectionist – a connectionist teacher values pupils’ methods and teaching strategies with an emphasis on establishing connections within mathematics. This means that learners are able to see the links between the different areas of mathematics they are engaged with and can see the ‘big picture’ rather than view mathematics as a set of separate skills to be learnt in isolation from each other. Transmission – a teacher with these beliefs sees mathematics as a collection of separate routines and procedures to be taught to pupils. Discovery – these teachers see themselves as facilitators of learning and see mathematics as an area to be discovered by pupils.

4 Jo Boaler All students can learn mathematics to high levels and teaching that is based upon this principle dramatically increases students’ mathematics achievement. The need to make research widely available is particularly pressing now as new science on the brain and learning is giving important insights into mathematics learning.

5 Calculating Begin to use the language of addition and subtraction in practical activities and discussion. Use language such as ‘more’ and ‘less’ to compare numbers. Find one more or one less than a number. Use objects to add or subtract small quantities seeing additions as combining groups and subtractions as ‘taking away’. Begin to use the language of doubling and halving and sharing using objects which they can split into equal groups.

6 Specific learning needs
Children with emotional and behavioural difficulties Children with autism Children with dyspraxia Children with dyslexia Children with dyscalculia Children who are gifted and talented Children with English as an Additional Language

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