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Presentation on theme: "Soils."— Presentation transcript:

1 Soils


3 Soil Soil is made of Weathered rock Organic remains Water Air
Great variety of living organisms

4 Soil Formation Both chemical and physical weathering are involved
Soils develop over time 100 to 400 years to form 1 cm of soil Fully developed soils consist of distinct horizons (layers)

5 Many thousands of years are necessary to form soils
Bedrock = solid rock under soils

6 Soil Horizons Horizon = layer A horizon Top Soil – mature soil
Large amount of organic remains called humus Contains the most living things

7 Soil Horizons B horizon - Subsoil Little organic matter

8 Soil Horizons C horizon Partly weathered bedrock

9 Soil Horizons Bedrock - solid rock under soils


11 Soil Types Soil types - depends on bedrock, climate, and the amount of life in soil

12 Residual Soil Transported Soil
Composed of weathered bedrock and organic material from that region. Transported Soil b. Composed of weathered bedrock and organic material from another region. (Transported to an area)

13 New York State Soils Most are young Less than 10,000 years old
Transported Soils from Glaciers

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