Building the Domestic Church

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1 Building the Domestic Church
A program of involvement for the Knights of Columbus

The Knights of Columbus seeks to strengthen family life through its “Building the Domestic Church While Strengthening Our Parish” initiative. Through this initiative, the Order promotes various programs that support Christian family life and encourages councils and families to more fully integrate with the sacramental and social life of theirparish

3 We thereby hope to not only help each family participate in the Church’s mission of evangelization, but to also strengthen our members and revitalize our parishes. Pope Francis asks in The Joy of Love, “Who is making an effort to strengthen marriages, to help married couples overcome their problems, to assist them in the work of raising children and, in general, to encourage the stability of the marriage bond?” In thousands of parishes throughout North America, Asia and Europe the answer is the Knights of Columbus.

4 Strengthening Parish Life
Since our founding by parish priest Father Michael J. McGivney, Knights of Columbus have been dedicated to strengthening Catholic family life. As Knights we strive to dedicate our time, talent and resources to ensuring that our parishes are beacons of the New Evangelization.

5 And Also… To be evangelizers, families look to find support in the sacramental life of the parish. In support of this evangelization of family life, every Knights of Columbus council strives to be united with its parish mission and vision. Our programs and activities at home, at Church and in the community, are a means to impact the strengthen parish life.

6 Who is going to do this? As members of the Knights of Columbus, WE are called upon to be the “Strong Right Arm” of the church. To accomplish this, together we must rededicate ourselves to our mission of service to the Church. By implementing this initiative for your councils, Knights, their families, and all parishioners participate in activities that promote the New Evangelization, strengthen our parishes and build catholic fraternity.

7 What are we going to do?

8 The New Faith Activities
As most of you probably know by now, our Surge With Service program has now become Faith in Action. In making this change, the Supreme Council has tried to bring our activities back in line with Fr. Michael McGivney’s vision for the Knights of Columbus. What in the past has been called Church Activities, has now been changed to Faith Activities.

9 “Church Activities’ have not changed, but…
We now concentrate upon Strengthening ourselves, as well as our families, in our Faith.

10 To do this, we will be adding programs that help us and our families grow in our Faith.

11 Strengthening our Parishes
By adding our Spiritual Reflection program, A Holy Hour Program, and Spiritual Gifts Program, we will help in strengthening our parishes by strengthening our own Faith.

12 Faith Activities Program
RSVP Vocations Program Marian Icon Program Building the Domestic Church Kiosk 5th Week Rosary Program Spiritual Reflection Program Holy Hour Program Sacramental Gifts Program Into the Breach Program

13 And Also… Many additional devotional programs to enhance the spiritual life of our families, ourselves, and our parishes. By our participation, we can help our parishes with the goal of Evangelization

14 Because it’s so important…
The Supreme Council has required that one of the four programs necessary for the Columbian Award, under Faith Activities, must be the Spiritual Reflections Program

15 A Quick Guide to Getting Started
1. Attend the Program Seminar in your area. More detailed information will be available at these meetings 2. Read or watch the Supreme Knight’s Domestic Church address. Available online at 3. Speak with your Pastor about installing the Domestic Church Kiosk in the church or parish library. (This installation counts as one Faith Activity)

16 And Also… 4. Start an Into the Breach (#340) study group. Invite all men of the parish to join your council in a study of Bishop Olmsted’s letter. Commit to promoting his Practices of a Committed Catholic Man throughout your council and parish. Many parishes already have men’s groups, just add the “Into the Breach” to your discussions.

17 Thank You for your time and attention
Thank You for your time and attention. Remember, the Faith Activities team is here for you!

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