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Mongol Empire.

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1 Mongol Empire

2 Historic Geography Notable Locations: Notable Dates:
Steppes of Central Asia Karakorum Four Khanates China Persia Russia Central Asia Notable Dates: 1206 CE: Genghis Kahn achieved power 1227 CE: Death of Genghis Khan 1368 CE: End of the Mongol Khanate

3 Who are the Mongols? The Mongols were nomadic people.
Nomad: a member of a people or tribe that has no permanent abode but moves about from place to place. Organized into families, clans, and tribes.

4 Mongol Homeland Nomadic Mongols resided on the high steppes in central Asia. Genghis Kahn (also seen as Chinggis Kahn) forged the tribes together.

5 Steppes

6 Mongol Conquests

7 Genghis Kahn Originally born, Temujin, into a noble family.
Father was poisoned by rivals and Temujin had to survive alone. 1206 recognized as Chinggis Kahn ("universal ruler"). United the warring tribes of Mongols together. Diplomacy and forceful means. Mongol Empire: CE

8 Mongol Empire Chinggis Kahn did not establish a central capital.
Successors built a capital at Karakorum. Mongols had outstanding equestrian skills. Put on a horse around age three. Used the horse to for blitz warfare Weapons adapted for mobile use

9 Mongol Empire

10 Mongol Expansion Conquest of China began in 1211 CE.
1220 Mongols had established control over northern China. 1227 CE Genghis Kahn died. Genghis' contributions United the Mongols Control over China in the East Control over Persia in the West Genghis' blunders No established government No clear heir to the empire

11 The Mongol Horde The most important institution in the Mongol state was the army. Magnified a small population’s power. 13th c. 1 million Mongols 1% of China’s population at the time. Enemies who surrendered without resistance were spared. Those who resisted had their whole pop. slaughtered Used elements of psychological warfare. The reputation of the Mongols often preceded their arrival

12 Mongol Empire Timeline

13 Post Genghis Power vacuum between sons and grandsons.
Mongol realm divided into four regional empires. Great Kahns: China (wealthiest lands) Khanate of Chaghatai: Central Asia Ilkhans: Persia Golden Horde: Russia

14 The Kahn Mongol Empire ca. 1300 CE

15 Mongols & the Plague 1330s plague erupted in southwest China
1340s reached southwest Asia & Europe Mongols protected trade routes between Asia and Europe. Mongols also faced the onslaught of epidemic disease. Expedited (sped up) the spread of the bubonic plague Killed more than half of the exposed population. Caused depopulation and labor shortages Plague conditions and oppression fostered rebellious subject population

16 Power Vacuum In wake of Mongol decline Turkish power dominated the region. Timur (Tamerlane) Turkish Muslim states rose to power following Timur.

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