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Causes of the Great Depression

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1 Causes of the Great Depression


3 Germany must pay reparations to Europe
Europe must pay back debt to U.S. Germany doesn’t have money; U.S. loans it to them Germany uses money to pay Europe Europe uses money to pay U.S.

4 Great Depression; no more loans to Germany
Germany defaults on reparations; no more money to Europe Europe defaults on debt; no more money to U.S. Economic vulnerability and instability

5 Overproduction in agriculture
Used machines, produced more crops Demand drops but supply goes up Prices fall Continue growing; import tariffs so even fewer customers

6 Stock market crash “Invincible economy”; buy more and more stocks
Borrow more money to buy more stocks; “on margin” Stock values are not accurate Bubble bursts, prices fall, everyone sells Lose massive amounts of money; can’t pay banks; banks lost most investments


8 Inequitable income distribution
Economy underwent massive expansion Top 5% of earners controlled 30% of wealth Lots of money in few hands Wages still low, buying on credit Demand goes down because workers don’t have money Tariff led to higher prices and more layoffs


10 Protectionism Hawley-Smoot Tariff raises import taxes
Less products coming in from overseas, more American goods Less competition so higher prices Higher prices and low demand = excess; fire workers Unemployment rises and economy shrinks; hurts poorer countries that rely on exports

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