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Making Changes Romans 12:1-2.

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Presentation on theme: "Making Changes Romans 12:1-2."— Presentation transcript:

1 Making Changes Romans 12:1-2

2 RENEWING OUR MINDS A New Foundational understanding – I am God’s servant on God’s mission (v.1) Put off the ungodly and unhelpful patterns of thinking and acting and put on righteousness

3 We are wired to be creatures of habit
Choices become patterns Patterns become habits Habits become priorities Priorities guide our choices . . . and character is being formed (the concrete is hardening)

A New Foundational understanding – I am God’s servant on God’s mission (v.1) Put off the ungodly and unhelpful patterns of thinking and acting What I think, I become in my heart What I am in my heart directs what I feel and what I do. Proverbs 4:23; Matthew 12:35

5 What I Treasure Intellect Will Emotions Passions
This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA

6 What needs to change? What I think, I become in my heart
What I am in my heart directs what I feel and what I do. Prov. 4:23; Matthew 12:35 Measuring Stick: The Bible Matthew 5; Ephesians 4:17-32, Colossians 3:8-16; 2 Peter 1:1-11

7 Choices become patterns
Patterns become habits Habits become priorities Priorities guide our choices . . . and character is being formed (the concrete is hardening)

8 Determine the priorities God wants you to have (hint: the Great Commission, holiness, the Greatest commandment and the second. . .) Base your choices of these priorities Your new choices will become patterns Patterns become habits Habits become priorities Priorities guide our choices . . . character will be formed

9 Making Changes Important habits to keep or adopt
Spending time listening to my Savior speak through His Word daily so I know what He is like and what He wants Spending time with my Savior in prayer each day so I grow to love Him more Worshiping Him Taking my needs to Him Asking Him for guidance and strength

10 Making Changes ask these questions daily
How can I use my life to further God's mission today? In the future? What am I doing to become more holy? What do I need to put off? What do I need to put on?

11 Making Changes ask these questions daily
Am I changing the world or is the world changing me?

12 Christians, Culture, and the world
Sin corrupted God’s good creation at the Fall Culture the beliefs, customs, arts, etc., of a particular society, group, place, or time Accessed

13 Making Changes ask these questions daily
Am I changing the world or is the world changing me? We are not called to be ascetics We are not called to be monks We are called to be salt and light We are called to be stewards and enjoy wisely 1 Timothy 6:17-19

14 Making Changes ask these questions daily
Am I changing the world or is the world changing me? Do I judge God’s Word by the culture or do I judge the culture by God’s Word?

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