Individual Research Presentation

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1 Individual Research Presentation
Software Clones Presented By: Adarsh Khare

2 Outline 1 Introduction Types of Clones Root Causes for Code Clones
Strategies Tools Suggested Relating with 577a and 577b 1

3 Types of Clones 2 Type1 Type 2 Type 3 Exact copy without modifications
Syntactically Identical Copy ( only variable, type, or function identifiers have been changes) Type 3 A copy with further modifications ( statements have been changes, added, or removed) 2

4 Root Causes 3 Programmers are forced to duplicate the code
Programmers reuse the copied text as a template and then customize Time Pressure Organizational Issues ( e.g distributed development organizations) 3

5 Strategies 4 Clone Avoidance Clone Removal Clone Detection
Better to avoid them at the beginning. Clone Removal Can be achieved using commercial tools Clone Detection 4

6 Tool Suggested ( Clone Removal)
Let programmers copy and adjust, and then let tools factor out the differences with appropriate mechanisms. –Ira Baxter, 2002 Clone Dr 5

7 Features of the Tool Compares files exhaustively across whole systems Available for many different languages like PHP 4.0 & 5.0, C,C++, C# Supports analysis of thousands of files/millions of lines of code. 6

8 Relating with 577a and 577b 577a Start gathering knowledge about the tools. 577b Use the tools during “Development Phase”. 7

9 References 8 Clone Dr
Survey Research and cloning   8

10 Thank You !

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