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Presentation on theme: "NETWORK-BASED MODEL OF LEARNING"— Presentation transcript:

Akanksha Bapna, Aabhas Chauhan 10th January 2018 EVALDESIGN

2 Outline Objective Methodology Education Network Analysis
Data Preprocessing Node and Relation Extraction Algorithm Relation Filtering Education Network Analysis Limitations & Next Steps Applications Outline

3 Understand the complexity of education and learning processes

4 Methodology

5 Database From 1965 onwards Data also consists of citations, keywords, full text, abstract Only Abstracts Full text: Over 400 GB data

6 Methodology

7 Preprocessing Peer reviewed article abstracts only (859,821)
Sentence Segmentation Parallel creation of Test dataset of 5000 abstracts randomly selected Reference dataset Stanford CoreNLP toolkit analyzes individual sentences Part of Speech (POS) tagging Named Entity Recognition (NER) Lemmatization (thinking, thought, thinks – think) Dependency mapping

8 Sample Sentence “Formatting magazines help students learn new computer skills and promote creativity.” -Johnstone, C., Figueroa, C., Attali, Y., Stone, E., and Laitusis, C. (2013)* * Results of a Cognitive Interview Study of Immediate Feedback and Revision Opportunities for Students with Disabilities in Large Scale Assessments. Synthesis Report 92.

9 Preprocessing: CoreNLP output

10 Develop Node Extraction Algorithm
Common Nouns Magazines Students Creativity Adjectives + Common Nouns New Computer Skills Noun Compounds Formatting Magazines

11 Preprocessing: CoreNLP output

12 Develop Relation Extraction Algorithm
Relation – “Linking word(s)” between “subject” and “object” Heuristic Rules Avoid self loops Avoid phrases like “author says”, “objective of the paper” Check for conjunction and negations Output Triplet (subject, linking word(s), object) (object, linking word(s), subject)

13 Node Extraction and Relation Extraction Algorithm output
S.No. Triplet 1 (Formatting magazines, help, students) 2 (students, learn, new computer skills) 3 (Formatting magazines, help learn, new computer skills) 4 (students, promote, creativity) 5 (Formatting magazines, help promote, creativity)

14 Methodology

15 Relation Filtering Deep Learning-based Word2Vec model
Cosine Similarity Threshold Based on F-measure Increase/Decrease Used sample Dataset B

16 Methodology

17 Relation Filtering Output
Triplet Direction Cosine Similarity (Threshold 0.04) (Formatting magazines, help, students) (students, learn, new computer skills) 0.0500 (Formatting magazines, help learn, new computer skills) 0.0459 (students, promote, creativity) 0.2922 (Formatting magazines, help promote, creativity) 0.1706

18 Output: Network of 88,411 nodes

19 Education is Complex!

20 The Network Complexity
S.No. Degree of node 𝒅 Number of nodes 1 𝑑>100 147 2 100≥𝑑>50 210 3 50≥𝑑>10 1,604 4 𝑑≤10 86,450

21 The Network Output

22 (Student, Teacher) Relation
No. of intermediate Nodes No. of Nodes 1 182 2 3,248 3 120,776


24 Summary ERIC Database: 1,596,398 article abstracts
Peer reviewed article abstracts: 859,821 Testing over Dataset B Recall: 80% Precision: 77% F-measure: 79% Cosine Similarity Threshold: (0.04, 0.15) Final network: 1,25,522 (node, edge, node) triplets

25 Limitations & Next Steps
Specific to current corpus Noise exists Triplets like (students, promote, creativity) couldn’t be filtered out Does not analyze inter-sentence relation Does not take geography into account

26 Applications Design learning experiences Design interventions
Identify gaps in research Self-evaluation platform for schools School leaders - Efficient allocation of school resources Teachers - Determine best topics for new class Students – Explore learning concepts at own pace



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