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Program Analysis via Graph Reachability

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1 Program Analysis via Graph Reachability
Thomas Reps University of Wisconsin See

2 PLDI 00 Registration Form
Tutorial (morning): …………… $ ____ Tutorial (afternoon): ………….. $ ____ Tutorial (evening): ……………. $ – 0 –

3 1987 Slicing & Applications CFL Reachability 1993 Dataflow Analysis Demand Algorithms 1994 Structure- Transmitted Dependences 1995 Set Constraints 1996 1997 1998

4 Applications Program optimization Software engineering
Program understanding Reengineering Static bug-finding Security (information flow)

5 Collaborators Susan Horwitz Mooly Sagiv Genevieve Rosay David Melski
David Binkley Michael Benedikt Patrice Godefroid

6 Themes Harnessing CFL-reachability Exhaustive alg.  Demand alg.

7 Backward slice with respect to “printf(“%d\n”,i)”
int main() { int sum = 0; int i = 1; while (i < 11) { sum = sum + i; i = i + 1; } printf(“%d\n”,sum); printf(“%d\n”,i); Backward slice with respect to “printf(“%d\n”,i)”

8 Backward slice with respect to “printf(“%d\n”,i)”
int main() { int sum = 0; int i = 1; while (i < 11) { sum = sum + i; i = i + 1; } printf(“%d\n”,sum); printf(“%d\n”,i); Backward slice with respect to “printf(“%d\n”,i)”

9 Backward slice with respect to “printf(“%d\n”,i)”
Slice Extraction int main() { int i = 1; while (i < 11) { i = i + 1; } printf(“%d\n”,i); Backward slice with respect to “printf(“%d\n”,i)”

10 Forward slice with respect to “sum = 0”
int main() { int sum = 0; int i = 1; while (i < 11) { sum = sum + i; i = i + 1; } printf(“%d\n”,sum); printf(“%d\n”,i); Forward slice with respect to “sum = 0”

11 Forward slice with respect to “sum = 0”
int main() { int sum = 0; int i = 1; while (i < 11) { sum = sum + i; i = i + 1; } printf(“%d\n”,sum); printf(“%d\n”,i); Forward slice with respect to “sum = 0”

12 What Are Slices Useful For?
Understanding Programs What is affected by what? Restructuring Programs Isolation of separate “computational threads” Program Specialization and Reuse Slices = specialized programs Only reuse needed slices Program Differencing Compare slices to identify changes Testing What new test cases would improve coverage? What regression tests must be rerun after a change?

13 Line-Character-Count Program
void line_char_count(FILE *f) { int lines = 0; int chars; BOOL eof_flag = FALSE; int n; extern void scan_line(FILE *f, BOOL *bptr, int *iptr); scan_line(f, &eof_flag, &n); chars = n; while(eof_flag == FALSE){ lines = lines + 1; chars = chars + n; } printf(“lines = %d\n”, lines); printf(“chars = %d\n”, chars);

14 Character-Count Program
void char_count(FILE *f) { int lines = 0; int chars; BOOL eof_flag = FALSE; int n; extern void scan_line(FILE *f, BOOL *bptr, int *iptr); scan_line(f, &eof_flag, &n); chars = n; while(eof_flag == FALSE){ lines = lines + 1; chars = chars + n; } printf(“lines = %d\n”, lines); printf(“chars = %d\n”, chars);

15 Line-Character-Count Program
void line_char_count(FILE *f) { int lines = 0; int chars; BOOL eof_flag = FALSE; int n; extern void scan_line(FILE *f, BOOL *bptr, int *iptr); scan_line(f, &eof_flag, &n); chars = n; while(eof_flag == FALSE){ lines = lines + 1; chars = chars + n; } printf(“lines = %d\n”, lines); printf(“chars = %d\n”, chars);

16 Line-Count Program void line_count(FILE *f) { int lines = 0;
int chars; BOOL eof_flag = FALSE; int n; extern void scan_line2(FILE *f, BOOL *bptr, int *iptr); scan_line2(f, &eof_flag, &n); chars = n; while(eof_flag == FALSE){ lines = lines + 1; chars = chars + n; } printf(“lines = %d\n”, lines); printf(“chars = %d\n”, chars);

17 Specialization Via Slicing
wc -lc wc -c wc -l

18 Control Flow Graph int main() { int sum = 0; int i = 1;
while (i < 11) { sum = sum + i; i = i + 1; } printf(“%d\n”,sum); printf(“%d\n”,i); Enter F sum = 0 i = 1 while(i < 11) printf(sum) printf(i) T sum = sum + i i = i + i

19 Control Dependence Graph
int main() { int sum = 0; int i = 1; while (i < 11) { sum = sum + i; i = i + 1; } printf(“%d\n”,sum); printf(“%d\n”,i); Control dependence q is reached from p if condition p is true (T), not otherwise. p q T Similar for false (F). p q F Enter T T T T T T sum = 0 i = 1 while(i < 11) printf(sum) printf(i) T T sum = sum + i i = i + i

20 Flow Dependence Graph Flow dependence p q Value of variable
int main() { int sum = 0; int i = 1; while (i < 11) { sum = sum + i; i = i + 1; } printf(“%d\n”,sum); printf(“%d\n”,i); Flow dependence p q Value of variable assigned at p may be used at q. Enter sum = 0 i = 1 while(i < 11) printf(sum) printf(i) sum = sum + i i = i + i

21 Program Dependence Graph (PDG)
int main() { int sum = 0; int i = 1; while (i < 11) { sum = sum + i; i = i + 1; } printf(“%d\n”,sum); printf(“%d\n”,i); Control dependence Flow dependence Enter T T T T T T sum = 0 i = 1 while(i < 11) printf(sum) printf(i) T T sum = sum + i i = i + i

22 Program Dependence Graph (PDG)
int main() { int i = 1; int sum = 0; while (i < 11) { sum = sum + i; i = i + 1; } printf(“%d\n”,sum); printf(“%d\n”,i); Opposite Order Same PDG Enter T T T T T T sum = 0 i = 1 while(i < 11) printf(sum) printf(i) T T sum = sum + i i = i + i

23 Backward Slice int main() { int sum = 0; int i = 1;
while (i < 11) { sum = sum + i; i = i + 1; } printf(“%d\n”,sum); printf(“%d\n”,i); Enter T T T T T T sum = 0 i = 1 while(i < 11) printf(sum) printf(i) T T sum = sum + i i = i + i

24 Backward Slice (2) int main() { int sum = 0; int i = 1;
while (i < 11) { sum = sum + i; i = i + 1; } printf(“%d\n”,sum); printf(“%d\n”,i); Enter T T T T T T sum = 0 i = 1 while(i < 11) printf(sum) printf(i) T T sum = sum + i i = i + i

25 Backward Slice (3) int main() { int sum = 0; int i = 1;
while (i < 11) { sum = sum + i; i = i + 1; } printf(“%d\n”,sum); printf(“%d\n”,i); Enter T T T T T T sum = 0 i = 1 while(i < 11) printf(sum) printf(i) T T sum = sum + i i = i + i

26 Backward Slice (4) int main() { int sum = 0; int i = 1;
while (i < 11) { sum = sum + i; i = i + 1; } printf(“%d\n”,sum); printf(“%d\n”,i); Enter T T T T T T sum = 0 i = 1 while(i < 11) printf(sum) printf(i) T T sum = sum + i i = i + i

27 Slice Extraction int main() { int i = 1; while (i < 11) {
i = i + 1; } printf(“%d\n”,i); Enter T T T T i = 1 while(i < 11) printf(i) T i = i + i

28 CodeSurfer


30 Browsing a Dependence Graph
Pretend this is your favorite browser What does clicking on a link do? You get a new page Or you move to an internal tag



33 Interprocedural Slice
int main() { int sum = 0; int i = 1; while (i < 11) { sum = add(sum,i); i = add(i,1); } printf(“%d\n”,sum); printf(“%d\n”,i); int add(int x, int y) { return x + y; } Backward slice with respect to “printf(“%d\n”,i)”

34 Interprocedural Slice
int main() { int sum = 0; int i = 1; while (i < 11) { sum = add(sum,i); i = add(i,1); } printf(“%d\n”,sum); printf(“%d\n”,i); int add(int x, int y) { return x + y; } Backward slice with respect to “printf(“%d\n”,i)”

35 Interprocedural Slice
int main() { int sum = 0; int i = 1; while (i < 11) { sum = add(sum,i); i = add(i,1); } printf(“%d\n”,sum); printf(“%d\n”,i); int add(int x, int y) { return x + y; } Superfluous components included by Weiser’s slicing algorithm [TSE 84] Left out by algorithm of Horwitz, Reps, & Binkley [PLDI 88; TOPLAS 90]

36 System Dependence Graph (SDG)
Enter main Call p Call p Enter p

37 SDG for the Sum Program xin = sum yin = i sum = xout xin = i yin= 1
Enter main sum = 0 i = 1 while(i < 11) printf(sum) printf(i) Call add Call add xin = sum yin = i sum = xout xin = i yin= 1 i = xout Enter add x = xin y = yin x = x + y xout = x

38 Interprocedural Backward Slice
Enter main Call p Call p Enter p

39 Interprocedural Backward Slice (2)
Enter main Call p Call p Enter p

40 Interprocedural Backward Slice (3)
Enter main Call p Call p Enter p

41 Interprocedural Backward Slice (4)
Enter main Call p Call p Enter p

42 Interprocedural Backward Slice (5)
Enter main Call p Call p Enter p

43 Interprocedural Backward Slice (6)
Enter main Call p Call p ) ( [ ] Enter p

44 Matched-Parenthesis Path
) ( ) [

45 Interprocedural Backward Slice (6)
Enter main Call p Call p Enter p

46 Interprocedural Backward Slice (7)
Enter main Call p Call p Enter p

47 Slice Extraction Enter main Call p Enter p

48 Slice of the Sum Program
Enter main i = 1 while(i < 11) printf(i) Call add xin = i yin= 1 i = xout Enter add x = xin y = yin x = x + y xout = x

49 CFL-Reachability [Yannakakis 90]
G: Graph (N nodes, E edges) L: A context-free language L-path from s to t iff Running time: O(N 3)

50 Interprocedural Slicing via CFL-Reachability
Graph: System dependence graph L: L(matched) [roughly] Node m is in the slice w.r.t. n iff there is an L(matched)-path from m to n

51 Asymptotic Running Time [Reps, Horwitz, Sagiv, & Rosay 94]
CFL-reachability System dependence graph: N nodes, E edges Running time: O(N 3) System dependence graph Special structure Running time: O(E + CallSites % MaxParams3)

52 Ordinary Graph Reachability
( e [ ] ) matched | e | [ matched ] | ( matched ) | matched matched CFL-Reachability ( t ) e [ ] e e [ e ] [ ] e e s t Ordinary Graph Reachability s t s t s

53 Regular-Language Reachability [Yannakakis 90]
G: Graph (N nodes, E edges) L: A regular language L-path from s to t iff Running time: O(N+E) Ordinary reachability (= transitive closure) Label each edge with e L is e* vs. O(N3)

54 CFL-Reachability via Dynamic Programming
Graph Grammar A  B C B C A

55 Degenerate Case: CFL-Recognition
exp  id | exp + exp | exp * exp | ( exp ) “(a + b) * c”  L(exp) ? ) ( a c b + * s t

56 Degenerate Case: CFL-Recognition
exp  id | exp + exp | exp * exp | ( exp ) “a + b) * c +”  L(exp) ? * a + ) b c s t

57 Program Chopping Given source S and target T, what program points transmit effects from S to T? S T Intersect forward slice from S with backward slice from T, right?

58 Non-Transitivity and Slicing
int main() { int sum = 0; int i = 1; while (i < 11) { sum = add(sum,i); i = add(i,1); } printf(“%d\n”,sum); printf(“%d\n”,i); int add(int x, int y) { return x + y; } Forward slice with respect to “sum = 0”

59 Non-Transitivity and Slicing
int main() { int sum = 0; int i = 1; while (i < 11) { sum = add(sum,i); i = add(i,1); } printf(“%d\n”,sum); printf(“%d\n”,i); int add(int x, int y) { return x + y; } Forward slice with respect to “sum = 0”

60 Non-Transitivity and Slicing
int main() { int sum = 0; int i = 1; while (i < 11) { sum = add(sum,i); i = add(i,1); } printf(“%d\n”,sum); printf(“%d\n”,i); int add(int x, int y) { return x + y; } Backward slice with respect to “printf(“%d\n”,i)”

61 Non-Transitivity and Slicing
int main() { int sum = 0; int i = 1; while (i < 11) { sum = add(sum,i); i = add(i,1); } printf(“%d\n”,sum); printf(“%d\n”,i); int add(int x, int y) { return x + y; } Backward slice with respect to “printf(“%d\n”,i)”

62 Non-Transitivity and Slicing
int main() { int sum = 0; int i = 1; while (i < 11) { sum = add(sum,i); i = add(i,1); } printf(“%d\n”,sum); printf(“%d\n”,i); int add(int x, int y) { return x + y; } Forward slice with respect to “sum = 0” Backward slice with respect to “printf(“%d\n”,i)”

63 Non-Transitivity and Slicing
int main() { int sum = 0; int i = 1; while (i < 11) { sum = add(sum,i); i = add(i,1); } printf(“%d\n”,sum); printf(“%d\n”,i); int add(int x, int y) { return x + y; } Chop with respect to “sum = 0” and “printf(“%d\n”,i)”

64 Non-Transitivity and Slicing
Enter main sum = 0 i = 1 while(i < 11) printf(sum) printf(i) Call add Call add xin = sum yin = i sum = xout xin = i yin= 1 i = xout ( ] Enter add x = xin y = yin x = x + y xout = x

65 “Precise interprocedural chopping”
Program Chopping Given source S and target T, what program points transmit effects from S to T? S T “Precise interprocedural chopping” [Reps & Rosay FSE 95]

66 Dataflow Analysis Goal: For each point in the program, determine a superset of the “facts” that could possibly hold during execution Examples Constant propagation Reaching definitions Live variables Possibly uninitialized variables

67 Possibly Uninitialized Variables
{} Start {w,x,y} x = 3 {w,y} if . . . {w,y} y = x {w,y} y = w {w} w = 8 {w,y} {} printf(y) {w,y}

68 Precise Intraprocedural Analysis
start n pfp = fk  fk-1  …  f2  f1 MOP[n] =  pfp(C) pPathsTo[n]

69 ( ) ] ( start p(a,b) start main if . . . x = 3 b = a p(x,y) p(a,b)
return from p return from p printf(y) printf(b) exit main exit p

70 Precise Interprocedural Analysis
ret start n ( ) MOMP[n] =  pfp(C) pMatchedPathsTo[n] [Sharir & Pnueli 81]

71 Representing Dataflow Functions
b c Identity Function a b c Constant Function

72 Representing Dataflow Functions
b c “Gen/Kill” Function a b c Non-“Gen/Kill” Function

73 x y a b start p(a,b) start main if . . . x = 3 b = a p(x,y) p(a,b) return from p return from p printf(y) printf(b) exit main exit p

74 Composing Dataflow Functions
b c a b c a f2  f1({a,c}) = a b c

75 ( ) ( ] YES! NO! x y start p(a,b) a b start main if . . . x = 3
Might y be uninitialized here? Might b be uninitialized here? b = a p(x,y) p(a,b) return from p return from p printf(y) printf(b) exit main exit p

76 Off Limits! matched  matched matched
| (i matched )i  i  CallSites | edge |  stack ) ( stack Off Limits!

77 Off Limits! unbalLeft  matched unbalLeft
| (i unbalLeft  i  CallSites |  stack ) ( stack Off Limits! (

78 Interprocedural Dataflow Analysis via CFL-Reachability
Graph: Exploded control-flow graph L: L(unbalLeft) Fact d holds at n iff there is an L(unbalLeft)-path from

79 Asymptotic Running Time [Reps, Horwitz, & Sagiv 95]
CFL-reachability Exploded control-flow graph: ND nodes Running time: O(N3D3) Exploded control-flow graph Special structure Running time: O(ED3) Typically: E l N, hence O(ED3) l O(ND3) “Gen/kill” problems: O(ED)

80 Why Bother? “We’re only interested in million-line programs”
Know thy enemy! “Any” algorithm must do these operations Avoid pitfalls (e.g., claiming O(N2) algorithm) The essence of “context sensitivity” Special cases “Gen/kill” problems: O(ED) Compression techniques Basic blocks SSA form, sparse evaluation graphs Demand algorithms

81 Unifying Conceptual Model for Dataflow-Analysis Literature
Linear-time gen-kill [Hecht 76], [Kou 77] Path-constrained DFA [Holley & Rosen 81] Linear-time GMOD [Cooper & Kennedy 88] Flow-sensitive MOD [Callahan 88] Linear-time interprocedural gen-kill [Knoop & Steffen 93] Linear-time bidirectional gen-kill [Dhamdhere 94] Relationship to interprocedural DFA [Sharir & Pneuli 81], [Knoop & Steffen 92]

82 Themes Harnessing CFL-reachability Exhaustive alg.  Demand alg.

83 Exhaustive Versus Demand Analysis
Exhaustive analysis: All facts at all points Optimization: Concentrate on inner loops Program-understanding tools: Only some facts are of interest

84 Exhaustive Versus Demand Analysis
Does a given fact hold at a given point? Which facts hold at a given point? At which points does a given fact hold? Demand analysis via CFL-reachability single-source/single-target CFL-reachability single-source/multi-target CFL-reachability multi-source/single-target CFL-reachability

85 All “appropriate” demands
x y a b YES! ( ) start p(a,b) “Semi-exhaustive”: All “appropriate” demands start main Might b be uninitialized here? Might y be uninitialized here? if . . . x = 3 b = a p(x,y) p(a,b) return from p return from p printf(y) printf(b) NO! exit main exit p

86 Experimental Results [Horwitz , Reps, & Sagiv 1995]
53 C programs (200-6,700 lines) For a single fact of interest: demand always better than exhaustive All “appropriate” demands beats exhaustive when percentage of “yes” answers is high Live variables Truly live variables Constant predicates . . .

87 A Related Result [Sagiv, Reps, & Horwitz 1996]
[Uses a generalized analysis technique] 38 C programs (300-6,000 lines) copy-constant propagation linear-constant propagation All “appropriate” demands always beats exhaustive factor of 1.14 to about 6

88 Exhaustive Versus Demand Analysis
Demand algorithms for Interprocedural dataflow analysis Set constraints Points-to analysis

89 Most Significant Contributions: 1987-2000
Asymptotically fastest algorithms Interprocedural slicing Interprocedural dataflow analysis Demand algorithms Interprocedural dataflow analysis [CC94,FSE95] All “appropriate” demands beats exhaustive Tool for slicing and browsing ANSI C Slices programs as large as 75,000 lines University research distribution Commercial product: CodeSurfer (GrammaTech, Inc.)

90 References Papers by Reps and collaborators: CFL-reachability
CFL-reachability Yannakakis, M., Graph-theoretic methods in database theory, PODS 90. Reps, T., Program analysis via graph reachability, Inf. and Softw. Tech. 98.

91 References Slicing, chopping, etc. Dataflow analysis
Horwitz, Reps, & Binkley, TOPLAS 90 Reps, Horwitz, Sagiv, & Rosay, FSE 94 Reps & Rosay, FSE 95 Dataflow analysis Reps, Horwitz, & Sagiv, POPL 95 Horwitz, Reps, & Sagiv, FSE 95, TR-1283

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