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Academic Perspectives

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1 Academic Perspectives
on Node.js Jamie (James C.) Davis @davisjam @TheDavisJam Hey howdy hey!

2 This talk is about Node.js-related research
Why events? [E] Security [S] Analysis and Correctness [AC] Benchmarking and Performance [BP] References are not exhaustive. There are lots of other papers, especially in the AC section. [EX] == “useful tools here”

3 Why do researchers study Node.js?
Why events “Let’s argue about system architectures in different contexts” Security “The security of the (Node.js-based) web is important” Analysis and Correctness “The event loop paradigm leads to interesting problems” Benchmarking and Performance “The performance of the (Node.js-based) web is important”

4 1. Why events?

5 1. Why events? Back in the 90s, folks used threadpools for servers
Idea: variations on the server-side event loop [E1, E2, E3, E4] Save on context switching costs Easier to reason about (?) Some push-back [E5] …or maybe Node.js uses an event loop because client-side JS uses an event loop?

6 2. Security

7 2a. Security (general problems)
Event loop + TP blocking [S1] Framework-enforced timeouts. 3rd-party npm modules [S2] Module  process. Function call  RPC. Security policies. - cf. #22112.

8 2b. Security (specific problems)
ReDoS SL regexes are “common” (1%) [S3] Can be mapped to exploits on the web [S4] Eval eval and exec in the wild [S5]

9 3. Analysis and Correctness

10 3a. Analysis and Correctness (static/misc.)
Define “event call graph” and derive it statically [AC1] Defining detailed semantics of Node.js [AC2] Race conditions in Node.js applications [AC3, AC6] Within-function dataflow analysis (eval and exec) [S5]

11 3b. Analysis and Correctness (dynamic)
Instrument JS code (function calls, memory accesses, etc.) [AC4] Detect bad programming practices dynamically [AC5] Visualize client- and server- side JS interacting [AC6] Schedule fuzzing: Shuffle event ordering for crashes [AC7] Instrument full Node app (JS, C++) [AC8] Detect all sorts of problems dynamically [AC9] HTTP vs. HTTPS, directory traversal, poor choice of hash algos. Also, there are many client-side JS analyses.

12 4. Benchmarking and Performance

13 4. Benchmarking and Performance
[BP1] Node.js performance is limited by inappropriate assumptions at the micro-processor level. Event potpourri damages processor’s locality assumptions [BP2] JITProf: A (perhaps dated) way to ID JIT-unfriendly code [BP3] Building a Node.js benchmark suite Software engineering metrics – representative GH projects

14 In closing…

15 What hard problems do you need solved?
In: Security Analysis and Correctness Benchmarking and Performance Drop me an !

16 References

17 References: Why events? [EX]
Why threads are a bad idea (for most purposes). Ousterhout. USENIX ATC’96. Flash: An Efficient and Portable Web Server. Pai, Druschel, and Zwaenepoel. USENIX ATC’99. SEDA: An Architecture for Well-Conditioned, Scalable Internet Services. Welsh, Culler, and Brewer. SOSP’01. Why Events Are a Bad Idea (for High-Concurrency Servers). Behren, Condit, and Brewer. HotOS’03. Comparing the performance of web server architectures. Pariag et al. EuroSys’07.

18 References: Security [SX]
General problems A Sense of Time for JavaScript and Node.js: First-Class Timeouts as a Cure for Event Handler Poisoning. Davis et al. USENIX Security’18. BreakApp: Automated, Flexible Application Compartmentalization. Vasilakis et al. NDSS’18. Specific attacks The Impact of Regular Expression Denial of Service (ReDoS) in Practice: an Empirical Study at the Ecosystem Scale. Davis et al. ESEC/FSE’18. Freezing the Web: A Study of ReDoS Vulnerabilities in JavaScript-based Web Servers. Staicu and Pradel. USENIX Security’18. Synode: Understanding and Automatically Preventing Injection Attacks on Node.js. Staicu et al. NDSS’18.

19 References: Analysis and Correctness [ACX]
Static/Misc Static analysis of event-driven Node.js JavaScript applications. Madsen et al. OOPSLA’15. Semantics of Asynchronous JavaScript. Loring et al. DLS’17. A Comprehensive Study on Real World Concurrency Bugs in Node.js. Wang et al. ASE’17. Dynamic Jalangi: a selective record-replay and dynamic analysis framework for JavaScript. Sen et al. ESEC/FSE’13. DLint: Dynamically Checking Bad Coding Practices in JavaScript. Gong et al. ISSTA’15. Understanding Asynchronous Interactions in Full-Stack JavaScript. Alimadadi et al. ICSE’16. Node.fz: Fuzzing the Server-Side Event-Driven Architecture. Davis et al. EuroSys’17. Efficient Dynamic Analysis for Node.js. Sun et al. Compiler Construction’18. Dynamic Analysis for JavaScript Code. Gong. PhD Thesis (UC Berkeley).

20 References: Benchmarking and Perf. [BPX]
Microarchitectural Implications of Event-driven Server-side Web Applications. Zhu et al., MICRO’15. JITProf: Pinpointing JIT-Unfriendly JavaScript Code. Gong et al. ESEC/FSE’15. Building a Node.js Benchmark: Initial Steps. Maj et al. BenchWork’18.

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