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Background, author bio, and context for the classic post-apocalyptic speculative novel. 1984 by George Orwell.

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1 Background, author bio, and context for the classic post-apocalyptic speculative novel.
1984 by George Orwell

2 George Orwell (Arthur Blair)
English, private school teacher, reporter, editor, etc. Vs. totalitarianism (Spanish Civil War), pro democratic socialism- (like Hemingway). Animal Farm 1945 1984 (written 1948)

3 Orwell and Language Politics and the English Language (1946)
Never use a metaphor, simile or other figure of speech which you are used to seeing in print (cliché) Never use a long word where a short one will do. If it is possible to cut a word out, always cut it out. Never use the passive where you can use the active. Never use a foreign phrase, a scientific word or a jargon word if you can think of an everyday English equivalent.

4 Genre- speculative fiction
Speculation about extending what exists now into the future Post-apocalyptic vision of post WW2 Dystopic view of human nature = consider it a warning. Totalitarian governments The “dumbing down” of language.

5 A New World & New Culture
Orwell creates the entire world of the novel, loosely based on post-WW2 Europe / England. Look for parallels to real England in 1945 and our contemporary society. Know / define / explain the “new world” and its terminology.

6 Oceania AIRSTRIP ONE used to be England
The world is divided into three major superpowers Oceania = England,its colonies, S& Central America. Eastasia = China Eurasia = USSR + Europe Disputed Territories = non-aligned nations no one cares about or are perpetually at war over. AIRSTRIP ONE used to be England

7 INGSOC - English Socialism
The Party = totalitarian government in control. Feudal-style hierarchy. Big Brother = leader Inner / Outer Party Proles = proletariat / workers Nazis were National Socialists Capitalism / communism

8 The Ministries - Gov’t Ironically named, the four main Ministries are:
Ministry of Truth (minitru): controls news, arts, media, education, entertainment. Also includes the Pornosec division and FicDep and RecDep. Ministry of Plenty (miniplenty): economics, trade, supplies Ministry of Love (minilov): law & order Ministry of Peace (minipax): war

9 Sacred Principles of INGSOC
Slogans used for propaganda (media designed to lie). Paradox: seems incongruous / opposite but contains a truth of sorts. War is Peace Freedom is Slavery Ignorance is Strength

10 Methods of Total Control
Totalitarian gov’ts used several methods to control citizens, remove critical thinking, and force conformity. Telescreens: constant propaganda, distraction, monitor and transmit Physical jerks: morning exercise, health, exhaustion, Thought Police: paranoia, conformity Hate Week: celebrate, holidays of hate 2 Minutes Hate: interruption, focus rage Newspeak: limits thought Vaporization: fear, purges Re-education at joycamp: torture / forced labour

11 Classes of Society Proles are about 85% of the population.
get the prolefeed (trashy entertainment) lots of Pornosec (the porn ministry) and can drink & engage in prostitution Play the lottery that never pays out distractions & “little joys” to keep the masses quiet (sex for enjoyment is considered sexcrime for Party members). Few have telescreens Viewed as animals by Party members.

12 Three Year Plans Mockery of Chinese and Russian 5 year plans designed to pull agricultural societies into the 20th century. Gov’t designed plans to increase production of goods (food, iron,boots). Newsfeed proclaims over-production and met goals but proles go without.

13 Victory & living conditions
Poverty, ruin, disease, deprivation= norm Basic food stuff rationed for proles Ironically named: low quality products Victory mansions = slums Victory gin = rotgut Victory cigarettes = dust & leaves Chocrat= rations of low quality chocolate Black market goods

14 Youth In any society seeking to control citizens, children and youth are trained - indoctrination. Similar techniques (Hitler Youth) used in WW2 Junior Anti-Sex League: promotes celibacy, good sex (for babies only), elimination of enjoying sex (orgasm) because enjoyment and ownlife (individualism) thoughts are bad. Junior Spies: children encouraged to spy on and report their neighbours, family members, friends, teachers, and anyone else for thoughtcrimes. Artsem (artifical insemination) is preferable to sex.

15 Doublethink Slogans used for propaganda (media designed to lie).
Paradox: seems incongruous / opposite but contains a truth of sorts. War is Peace Freedom is Slavery Ignorance is Strength

16 Thought Crime To even question the authority, principles, or power of INGSOC is a crime. All crime begins with thought= thoughtcrime. Facecrime = expressions wandering across your face giving away your feelings

17 Newspeak vs. Oldspeak new•speak: politically correct, propagandistic language marked by euphemism, circumlocution, and the inversion of customary meanings; a language "designed to diminish the range of thought.” Words are limited, ironically inverted = shorthand limits thought. Double plus ungood = really bad

18 A state of perpetual war
Winston can’t remember when the nations weren’t at war. Not sure who the war is against (switches enemies). The primary aim of modern warfare is to use up the products of the machine without raising the general standard of living.

19 Surveilance Culture Telescreens = no real privacy (can transmit & watch). Paranoia of surveillance keeps control. Spies, censorship, and police over-reaction = control

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