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Marco Polo facebook I’m going to China with my dad to meet Kublai Khan

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1 Marco Polo facebook I’m going to China with my dad to meet Kublai Khan
Wall Photos Flair Boxes Logout Marco Polo Wall Info Photos Boxes Write something… I’m hanging out with my best pals. Share Information I’m going to China with my dad to meet Kublai Khan Networks: Kublai Khan Birthday: 1254 Occupation: Merchant, Explorer Religion: Roman Catholic Hometown: Venice, Italy I’m traveling on the Silk Road and I’m trading silk and spices. I’m now in China and working for Kublai Khan. Friends I’m writing a book and I’m seeing many new and cool things. John Cabot Vasco da Gama Kublai Khan I’m seeing many new inventions like paper, printing and gunpowder. I’m was trying to travel home to visit my family but I got lost and I ended up in Indonesia. Genghis Khan Martin Luther Ersamus

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