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Resurrection (마28, 막16, 눅24, 요20) Giovanni Bellini 1430 – 1516

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Presentation on theme: "Resurrection (마28, 막16, 눅24, 요20) Giovanni Bellini 1430 – 1516"— Presentation transcript:

1 Resurrection (마28, 막16, 눅24, 요20) Giovanni Bellini 1430 – 1516
Giovanni Bellini ca – 1516 Resurrection

2 The Three Marys at the Tomb Hubert van Eyck 1370- 1426

3 Resurrection Fra Angelico(1395_1455) Resurrection

4 Resurrection Piero della Francesca (1420–1492)伊

5 Resurrection Andrea Mantegna 1431 – 1506

6 Resurrection Raphael(1483–1520)

7 Lucas Cranach the Younger
Resurrection Lucas Cranach the Younger ( )獨 Lucas Cranach the Younger( )獨

8 Resurrection Peter Paul Rubens ( )和

9 Christ Risen Peter Paul Rubens 1577 – 1640

10 Rembrandt Harmensz. van Rijn
Resurrection Rembrandt Harmensz. van Rijn 1606 – 1669 Rembrandt Harmensz. van Rijn 1606 – 1669 The Resurrection of Christ

11 Resurrection Noël Coypel (1628-1707)佛 Resurrection

12 Resurrection James Tissot (1836–1902)佛

13 The Risen Christ Appearing to Mary Magdalen
Rembrandt Harmensz. van Rijn Rembrandt Harmensz. van Rijn The Risen Christ Appearing to Mary Magdalen

14 Noli me tangere Jacob van Oostsanen 1470 – 1533

15 Noli me tangere Titian 1487/90 – 1576 Titian 1487/90 – 1576

16 Noli me tangere Hans Holbein the Younger 1497/8 – 1543

17 Peter and John Running to the Tomb Eugene Burnand 1850 – 1921
Eug�ne Burnand 1850 – 1921 Peter and John Running to the Tomb

18 Walking to Emmaus Fritz von Uhde 1848 – 1911

19 Supper at Emmaus Titian 1487/90 – 1576

20 Supper in Emmaus Paolo Veronese 1528 – 1588

21 Supper at Emmaus (1601) Caravaggio 1573 – 1610

22 Supper at Emmaus (1606) Caravaggio 1573 – 1610

23 Supper at Emmaus Diego Velázquez 1599 – 1660
Diego Rodríguez da Silva y Velázquez 1599 – 1660 Supper at Emmaus

24 Supper at Emmaus Matthias Stom (1600-1652)和

25 Supper at Emmaus Jan Havicksz. Steen 1626 – 1679
Jan Havicksz. Steen ca – 1679 Supper at Emmaus

26 Rembrandt Harmensz. van Rijn
Supper at Emmaus (1628) Rembrandt Harmensz. van Rijn 1606 – 1669 Rembrandt Harmensz. van Rijn 1606 – 1669 Supper at Emmaus (1628)

27 Rembrandt Harmensz. van Rijn
Supper at Emmaus (1648) Rembrandt Harmensz. van Rijn 1606 – 1669 Rembrandt Harmensz. van Rijn 1606 – 1669 Supper at Emmaus (1648 [1])

28 Supper at Emmaus (1648) Rembrandt Harmensz. van Rijn 1606 – 1669

29 Supper at Emmaus Han van Meegeren 1889 – 1947
The Supper at Emmaus

30 Christ Appears to the Apostles Behind Closed Doors
Duccio di Buoninsegna – 1319 Duccio di Buoninsegna ca – 1319 Christ Appears to the Apostles Behind Closed Doors

31 The Appearance to the Apostles
Duccio di Buoninsegna Duccio di Buoninsegna ca The Appearance to the Apostles

32 Doubting Thomas Caravaggio 1573 – 1610

33 Christ at the Sea of Galilee Il Tintoretto 1518 – 1594

34 Christ's Charge to Peter Raphael 1483 – 1520

35 Ascension Andrea Mantegna(1431-1506) Andrea Mantegna(1431-1506)

36 Ascension Benvenuto Tisi (1481–1559)伊 Benvenuto Tisi (1481–1559)伊

37 Ascension Dosso Dossi(1490-1542)伊 Dosso Dossi(1490-1542)伊
Birth name: Giovanni Battista Luteri Dossi Ascension

38 Rembrandt Harmensz. van Rijn
Ascension Rembrandt Harmensz. van Rijn 1606 – 1669 Rembrandt Harmensz. van Rijn 1606 – 1669 Ascension

39 John Singleton Copley (1738–1815)美
Ascension John Singleton Copley (1738–1815)美 John Singleton Copley (1738–1815)美

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