STANDARDS-BASED PROMOTION Grades 2 - 5 2003-2004 Elementary Schools Los Angeles Unified School District Local District G.

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Presentation on theme: "STANDARDS-BASED PROMOTION Grades 2 - 5 2003-2004 Elementary Schools Los Angeles Unified School District Local District G."— Presentation transcript:

1 STANDARDS-BASED PROMOTION Grades 2 - 5 2003-2004 Elementary Schools Los Angeles Unified School District Local District G

2 The Standards-Based Promotion Policy requires students to demonstrate they have achieved their grade level standards before being promoted to the next grade. Interventions are provided for students at-risk of retention.


4 EO, IFEP, RFEP, AND ELD 5: English Proficient Students will meet minimum grade level standards in reading, writing and mathematics (grades 4-5)

5 Criteria for Promotion Final Progress Report Reading Score of 2 or above or Periodic Writing Assessment score of 2or above and (Grades 4-5) Final Progress Report Mathematics score of 2 or above or Score of Basic or above on the Mathematics California Standards Test from the previous year.

6 English Learners: ELD 1-4 English Learners will meet minimum English Language Development (ELD) standards

7 Criteria for Promotion Advancing one ELD level per year based on the overall score of the annual CELDT or ELD Performance Assignment.

8 English Learners in a Spanish Bilingual Program: ELD 1-4 English Learners in a Basic Bilingual/Dual Language Program will meet minimum grade level standards in primary language reading, writing and mathematics (Grades 4-5)

9 Criteria for Promotion Final Progress Report Primary Language Reading score of 2 or above or Spanish Performance Assignment score of 2 or above and Meet minimum ELD standards by moving one ELD level per year and (Grades 4 & 5) Final Progress Report Mathematics score of 2 or above or Aprenda score in Mathematics at or above the 26 th %ile

10 Criteria for Students with Disabilities Students with disabilities will meet the criteria as indicated on the IEP Students will meet Federal and State law and District requirements


12 Criteria for Retention English proficient student: Reading achievement score of 1 and an English Language Arts Performance Assignment score of 1 or (Grades 4-5) Final Progress Report Mathematics score of 1 and a score of Below Basic or Far Below Basic on the Mathematics California Standards Test from the previous year

13 Criteria for Retention English Learner (ELD 1-4): Remain at the same ELD level two or more years based on the overall score of the annual CELDT and on the ELD Performance Assignment

14 Criteria for Retention English Learner in a Spanish Bilingual Program: Reading achievement score of 1 and Spanish Periodic Writing Assessment score of 1 or (Grades 4-5) Final Progress Report Mathematics score of 1 and Aprenda score in Mathematics at or above the 26 th %ile

15 TEACHER JUDGMENT Following summer school/intersession, elementary students who still meet the criteria for retention according to the summer school/intersession teacher will be retained unless:

16 TEACHER JUDGMENT continued 1. The regular classroom teacher had recommended promotion on the Justification for Promotion Form along with mandatory summer school/intersession OR Without a recommendation from the classroom teacher, the summer school/ intersession teacher recommends promotion and completes the Justification for Promotion Form

17 SBP DOCUMENTATION Red folders (kept in cum. record) for students at-risk of not meeting standards for promotion – Include all parent notifications: Fall/Spring (Attachment F); End of Year Letter (Attachment G) or Justification Form (Attachment H) – Standards-Based Promotion Log (Attachment I) – Any forms related to the Appeals Process – Extended Learning/tutoring documentation Enter data into SIS

18 PARENT NOTIFICATION PROCESS Parents are notified through teacher conferences, progress reports, and letters when their child is at risk of not meeting grade-level standards for promotion. All written notification must be signed by the parent and filed in the red folder.

19 PARENT APPEAL PROCESS Parent(s) may disagree with the decision to retain their child. The school will implement the appeal process when parents disagree with the promotion determination.




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