High Frequency EOG Vocabulary Words

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Presentation on theme: "High Frequency EOG Vocabulary Words"— Presentation transcript:

1 High Frequency EOG Vocabulary Words

2 Create Flashcards for the following words
Look up the definitions to the following words from Write the word on the front (blank side) of your index card Write the best definition on the back (lined side) Create Flashcards for the following words

3 High Frequency EOG Words (1-20)
Analyze Cite Comment Compare Consider Contrast Create Define Design Detail Determine Develop Diagram Discern Discover Discuss Display Dissuade Edit Elaborate

4 High Frequency EOG Words (21-40)
Eliminate Embellish Establish Estimate Examine Expand Explain Explore Extract Find Flow Chart Generate Identify Imagine Inject Interpret Investigate Justify Legitimize Limit

5 High Frequency EOG Words (41-60)
Locate Marginalize Match Measure Obtain Organize Paraphrase Persuade Peruse Prove Reason Recover Recreate Redesign Refer Refrain Refuse Reject Research Revise

6 High Frequency EOG Words (61-67)
Select Set Priorities Solve State Summarize Support Unpack

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