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The Interview Assess potential, face to face meeting is best type of communication. Psychometric test (rapid questions), role play, group interview.

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Presentation on theme: "The Interview Assess potential, face to face meeting is best type of communication. Psychometric test (rapid questions), role play, group interview."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Interview Assess potential, face to face meeting is best type of communication. Psychometric test (rapid questions), role play, group interview.

2 The Interview Be familiar with your C.V and application letter
Find out about the company/organisation, products and services, etc. Find out the job requirements, qualifications needed, job specifications, duties and responsibilities.

3 The Interview Be aware of any recent developments in the sector
Be aware of any documents you may need with you. Dress formally/appropriate to your area and be neat and tidy

4 USP Unique selling points
Strengths/personal attributes Skills/ competencies Experiences Qualifications Achievements Interests (relevant to the job) Flexibility, decisiveness, independence, integrity. B. leadership, management, strategic planning, problem solving. Energy, motivation

5 The halo effect. If an employer likes the first impression then the employer will continue to view you favourably in order to justify this first impression. The opposite is the rusty halo effect. First impressions are based on what you look like and how you behave.

6 The interview Be on time (15 mins before the interview)
Make a good first impression (30 secs). Be polite, sincere, friendly. Use appropriate non verbal communication Shake hands Smile

7 The Interview Sit when asked or ask ‘May I sit down?’
Be aware of your posture. Do not slouch or fidget. Try to be relaxed but be alert. Some interviewers can be over friendly to catch you off guard. Maintain eye contact wit the interviewer. Speak formally, avoid slang and fillers (um, you know what I mean…)

8 The Interview Elaborate on yes or no answers. Avoid waffle. Stick to the point. Be honest. If you don’t know the answer say ‘I’m sorry, I don’t know the answer to that’. You may ask for a question to be explained or repeated. If the interviewer spots a mistake in your information do not deny it. Try to turn weaknesses into strengths, ‘I am a quick learner’. Listen carefully to the question. Take a pause to gather your thoughts

9 The Interview Be positive and enthusiastic , show that you want the job. Sell yourself without being too cocky. Do not be defensive ,argumentative, or critical of any previous employers. Have your own questions prepared. Shake hands and thank the interviewer at the end of the session. Leave the room quietly. Do not slam the door.

10 Common Faults at an Interview
Sloppy handshake and greeting Defensive/ hostile look/ lack of enthusiasm Lack of knowledge of current affairs. Talking too softly Talking too much

11 Common Faults at an Interview
Talking too little Not answering the question asked Bringing up personal weaknesses unnecessarily Not being able to back up statements

12 Interview structure The opening stage. Greeting and small talk.
Main body. Generally funnel questioning, moving from broad topics to specific ones The closing stage. Questions, maybe a summary of the interview, statement of follow up. Tell me about yourself, are you a good team worker, have you had positions of responsibility, how would you deal with conflict..

13 Types of questions Open questions where the interviewee can expand and elaborate (tell me about yourself.) Closed questions. These call for a specific response but you can try to elaborate. (What modules did you cover at level 5?) Probing questions where an interviewer tries to gain extra information (why do you think you only received a pass in communications?) Hypothetical questions (supposing one of your colleagues is not pulling their weight, what would you do?)

14 Types of Questions Mirror questions. These are sequential and bounce off the previous response. Summary questions. These cover what has already been discussed and leave the interviewee a chance to add more information. (is there anything else you would like to discuss? Leading questions. These may lead you to give a dishonest answer. You wouldn't mind traveling as part of the job, would you

15 General Tell me about yourself? What are your strong/weak points?
What is your greatest achievement? How do you cope with stress? Can you work under pressure? What do you do in your spare time? What have you done that illustrates initiative?

16 Education What did you like about college?
What did you dislike about college? Tell me about your course at college? Why did you choose to study design? Are you satisfied with your results? Was there anyone you did not get on with? Describe a problem you had to deal with at college?

17 Current application Why should I employ you?
What experience do you have for this job? Why do you wish to work for this particular company? What skills or qualities can you bring to this job? Do you have any creative idea’s that could benefit the workplace? What are you looking for in a job? Where do you see yourself in 5 years time?

18 Previous experience Tell me about your last job?
Have you held any positions of responsibility? What have you learned from positions of responsibility? Have you ever worked as part of a team? How well did you fit into that team? Did you have to work with anyone who let down the team? How would you cope with a colleague you might find difficult to work with? What skills did you learn in your last job?

19 Your questions Do you provide training?
Are there opportunities for promotion? What sort of hours will I be working? Are there opportunities for working overtime?

20 A type employee Versatility Pride in job Takes initiative
Good personal relations Listens to instructions Wide view point Quality conscious Good timekeeper Problem solving Asks questions

21 Z Type employee Bad timekeeper Doesn’t follow instruction
Dislikes supervision Careless about quality Bad personal relations Over confident for ability Doesn't pull weight Doesn’t like change No loyalty to firm/

22 The right answers How would you rate yourself from one to ten?
What do you consider your strengths and weaknesses? How do you work under pressure? Have you ever had a bad experience with an employer? Are you applying to any other job? Aspire to ten. Only one weakness (a tech skill that can be improved), good task manager so no pressure, do not be negative, only in this area. Aspire to ten, name lots of strengths and one weakness easily remedied. Good task manager so no pressure, Only in this area

23 Creative Questions What special aspects of your education have prepared you for this job? What kind of things do you feel most confident doing? In your work experience what have you done that you consider to be truly creative? Can you think of a problem you have encountered when old solutions did not work and you came up with a new solution?

24 Creative Questions Of your creative accomplishments, big or small, at work or at home , what gave you the most satisfaction? Do you consider yourself to be thoughtful, analytical or do you make up your mind fast, give an example? If you had an elephant where would you hide it? In what ways are you similar or different to your best friend?

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