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Preparation of patient before surgery

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1 Preparation of patient before surgery
Jozef Rybar, MD. IV.surgical clinic, UH, Bratislava

2 Aim / goal of preparation
Lowering the risk of surgery Apropriate diagnosis (staging,..) Preparing the operation field Psychological preparation Informed consent

3 Aim / goal of preparation
Lowering the risk of surgery Appropriate diagnosis (staging,..) Preparing the operation field Psychological preparation Informed consent

4 and risk of postoperative complications
Lowering the operation risk and risk of postoperative complications Estimation of risk acording to the general condition of patient ASA classification (American Society of Anesthesiologists) Possibly postpone surgery after myocardial infart (after 6 months risk of reinfarction significantly decreases) Fasting before OP – risk of vomiting by induction and end of anesthesia – should be at least 6 hours Cleaning the intestine (laxatives, enema) For internal diseases – spirometry, Echocardiography, ECG

5 Apropriate diagnosis By tumours – staging/histology ---> radicality + neoadjuvant therapy (lymphadenectomy, radio or chemotherapy..) Ileus - Paralytic vs. Mechanical -physical examination, abdominal x-rays with contrast fluid (by paralytic it should be moving with time further), possibly abdominal CT Acute appendicitis – gynaecological examination (possibly adnexitis, ruptured ovarian cyst) Cholecystectomy – choledocholithiasis – USG, MRCP, in case it is diagnosed, ERCP should be performed before cholecystectomy Varicectomy – deep vein trombosis needs to be excluded by Doppler ultrasound

6 Preparing the operation field
Shaving the area of operation Antisepsis – antiseptic fluid right before surgery Covering the surrounding skin

7 Psychological preparation
Education of the patient about preoperative phase (possibly also family member) Explanation of the surgical procedure Mention possible complications Informed consent

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