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An overview of the Solar System

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Presentation on theme: "An overview of the Solar System"— Presentation transcript:

1 An overview of the Solar System

2 The Sun is the biggest, brightest, & hottest object in the solar system. The sun is an Medium star. The sun is made of: ~ 70% hydrogen ~ 28% helium.

3 Inner Planets a.k.a. ~terrestrial planets Closer to the sun
Rocky core & surface Smaller planets Most have atmosphere

4 Mercury Mercury is solid rock covered with craters.
Looks like our moon very thin atmosphere made of atoms blasted off its surface by the solar wind.

5 Venus Often called “ earth’s twin” The surface is rocky.
The atmosphere is thick traps the heat. Has “runaway” greenhouse effect

6 Earth Earth only planet with life. 71 %of surface = H2O. has one moon.
Atmosphere= shields, traps heat & provides the “right” gases

7 Mars Rocky surface. most highly varied and interesting terrain
found evidence of erosion in many places on Mars: large floods small river systems thin atmosphere of mostly CO2 has two small moons. permanent ice caps at both poles

8 Asteroid Belt An asteroid is a chunk of rock in space.
It is what was leftover when the Sun and planets formed. asteroid belt is located between the planet Mars and Jupiter. can be from a few feet to hundreds of miles wide. has more than 40,000 asteroids that are half a mile long. Gravitational pull from a planet can pull an asteroid form the belt and make it orbit around the planet like a moon.

9 Outer Planets A.k.a. ~ Gas Giants Huge planets Gas surfaces
Most many moons, rings = gravity

10 Jupiter is a huge ball of gas. High gravity At least 39 moons

11 Saturn made of materials that are lighter than water.
If in a lake, it would float! rings are not solid; they are composed of small countless particles. The rings are very thin--less than one kilometer thick.

12 Uranus one of the giant gas planets.
is blue-green because of the methane in atmosphere.

13 Neptune Like Uranus, the methane gives Neptune its color.

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