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The Cold War Expands Chapter 12 Section 3.

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1 The Cold War Expands Chapter 12 Section 3

2 Arms Race Heightens 1949: Soviets build atomic bomb
1952: U.S. develops hydrogen bomb 1953: Soviets develop hydrogen bomb Arms Race: struggle to gain weapons superiority Radioactive waste in atmosphere Deterrence: stockpile enough weapons so no one would dare attack

3 Eisenhower’s New Policies
Eisenhower: lower military costs by focusing on stockpiling nuclear weapons Massive Retaliation: U.S. would respond to communist threats to its allies by threatening to use crushing force (nuclear weapons) Brinkmanship: belief that only by going to the brink of war could the U.S. protect against communist aggression


5 Stalin Replaced Nikita Khrushchev: replaced Stalin as leader of USSR
Wanted more peaceful relations with West 1955 Conference in Geneva: “peaceful co-existence”

6 The Cold War Goes Global
Satellite nations begin agitating for freedom 1956: uprising by workers in Poland Won greater control of govt No attempt to leave Warsaw Pact → USSR permits actions Hungarian students and workers rebelled Wanted Soviet troops removed and new elections USSR responded with force U.S. policy of massive retaliation was powerless

7 Suez Crisis Egypt & Israel tried to milk U.S./USSR rivalry
Suez Canal connected Mediterranean Sea with Red Sea Flow of Middle Eastern oil to Europe interrupted GB, France & Israel seized control U.S. criticized their actions, no help sent Forced to withdraw troops

8 Strong Action Eisenhower Doctrine: U.S. would use force to help any Middle Eastern nation threatened by communism Sent troops to Lebanon to put down revolt against pro-U.S. govt Central Intelligence Agency (CIA): intelligence gathering agency established in 1947 Eisenhower approves covert (secret) operations to protect American interests Aided coups in Iran and Guatemala Anti-communist leaders in power Long-term resentment against U.S.

9 Cold War in Space 1957: Soviets launch Sputnik – first artificial satellite to orbit Earth Sputnik 2 launched with Laika (a dog) National Defense Education Act: $1 billion program intended to produce more scientists National Aeronautics & Space Administration (NASA): agency that coordinated the space-related efforts of U.S. scientists and military

10 Today… China: 100-200 warheads
France: Approximately 350 strategic warheads Russia: 2,787 strategic warheads, approximately 2,000 operational tactical warheads, and approximately 8,000 stockpiled strategic and tactical warheads United Kingdom: Less than 160 deployed strategic warheads United States: 2,126 strategic warheads, approximately 500 operational tactical weapons, and approximately 6,700 reserve strategic and tactical warheads

11 Lecture Review Questions
#1: What methods did the United States use in its global struggle against the Soviet Union? #2: Were Americans justified in being alarmed when the Soviets launched Sputnik? Explain.

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