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Romeo and Juliet Act 2 Scene 4 (pt.2), 5 and 6 Date:

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1 Romeo and Juliet Act 2 Scene 4 (pt.2), 5 and 6 Date:
Objectives Finish Act 2 Scene 4, 5 and 6 See Romeo and Juliet get married. By the end of the class, students should have a deeper understanding of the ‘comic effect’ of the play Warm –up – write the quote, answer the questions “A gentleman, Nurse, that loves to hear himself talk and will speak more in a minute that he will stand to in a month.” This is how Romeo describes Mercutio; as someone who loves the sound of their own voice. The Nurse can be described the same way. Our question is then this: What is so annoying about someone who talks too much. Imagine a friend that is constantly talking. How would they make you feel and what problems could arise. Also think about what mistakes Mercutio has made about what is happening.

2 Today’s Reading Act 2 Scene 4 (part 2) 1.07 – 1.13
Romeo will ask the Nurse to help him and Juliet in their plans to get married. Both the Nurse and Mercutio shall talk about love in a more physical or animal way. Scene – 1.17 The Nurse relays Romeo’s message to Juliet but not before having a little fun first. Scene – 1.20 Friar Laurence warns Romeo again not to run too fast. When Juliet enters, he sees that she loves Romeo as much as he loves her. He marries them. Audiobook at

3 Notes – Act 2 Scene 4 and 5 Both the Nurse and Mercutio prefer to talk rather than listen. This trait among all characters in the play can be seen as the reason for the tragedy. Their view of love differs to Romeo. Romeo sees love as something pure and spiritual while they see it as something physical and sexual. The Nurse shows that she is a friend to Juliet, pointing out how uninterested she is about the idea of marrying Paris. She sees Romeo as a medicine for Juliet’s woes. (Medicines and poisons are connected later) The Nurse returns to Juliet with Romeo’s plans. She messes with Juliet first however by talking about herself and delaying the important message. Juliet’s impatience and anxiety build up until she is told that Romeo is waiting to marry her at Friar Laurence’s cell.

4 Notes – Act 2 Scene 6 Friar Laurence has a bad feeling about Romeo and Juliet getting married and so prays that the heavens smile upon them. He sums up the kind of relationship the couple has when he warns them; “The violent delights have violent ends” This recalls Juliet’s fear earlier that they are moving too fast and rash and that there will be consequences for their sudden actions. Friar Laurence reminds the couple that nothing lasts forever, that all things pass and are temporary. Romeo and Juliet are too caught up in each other to listen to his advise. Romeo even tempts fate, explaining that one minute with Juliet will protect him from any danger.

5 Exercise In pairs, discuss the following. Have you any brothers or sisters? If yes, would you help them sneak out of the house to get married to a person they just met? Why or why not? If you don’t have any siblings, would you do this for a friend or even a stranger? Why or why not?

6 Exercises Role-play: In pairs, write and perform the following scenario. The two of you have decided to crash Romeo and Juliet’s secret wedding. One of you object, shouting ‘I object’ and giving reasons why the couple should not get married. The other person supports the wedding, giving reasons why the couple should get married.

7 Questions – Point, “reference”, explain.
What message does Romeo give to Juliet’s nurse? (S4) What does the Nurse talk about to delay giving the message to Juliet (S5) How does Juliet feel about the nurse in your opinion? Look for adjectives in how she addresses the nurse in your answer. What advise does Friar Laurence give to Romeo. (S6) How does Juliet enter this scene? What does she do and what does this tell us about her relationship to Romeo.

8 Cooldown Question Romeo is all about instant gratification, about living in the moment and doing what you want right now. What are the benefits and the dangers of living like this, in your opinion?

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