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Thinking… Are there “good guys” in a war? Take 3 minutes

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Presentation on theme: "Thinking… Are there “good guys” in a war? Take 3 minutes"— Presentation transcript:

1 Thinking… Are there “good guys” in a war? Take 3 minutes
Think about this question Write down a few thoughts on a piece of scratch paper Be prepared to discuss

2 World War II… in 7 minutes

3 The European War

4 Extent of Axis Control, May 1941

5 The Allies: December 8, 1941 United States Great Britain France
Soviet Union China Commonwealth Nations

6 Fortress Europe

7 Russian Front Germany invaded USSR on June 22nd, 1941 (prior to America joining the war) Almost took Moscow, but was pushed back due to cold winter conditions on the front In 1942, Germany renewed their push toward Stalingrad This became the bloodiest battle of the war It was downright nasty

8 Fighting in Stalingrad

9 Fighting in Stalingrad (2)

10 Eastern Front Windup After Stalingrad, Germans never able to re-capture the offensive on the Russian Front Russians slowly march back toward Germany Really bloody fighting Desire for Second Front Russians will eventually take Berlin in May 1945

11 North African War Fought over access to the Suez Canal
If the Germans won, they would get oil from the Middle East British tried to keep oil for themselves Rommel vs. Monty Battle of El Alamein, October 1942

12 Operation Torch US troops landed in present-day Morocco and pushed east toward Rommel’s exposed rear First US fighting against Nazis Kasserine Pass: US gets slaughtered Americans bounce back quickly, however

13 The “Soft underbelly” Winston Churchill (Prime Minister of England) wanted to attack Italy Allied Forces expected a quick victory Instead, it was a long, bloody slog up the peninsula Monte Cassino, 1943

14 The Big One: Overlord “Overlord” was the codename given to the invasion of Normandy, France in 1944 Took place on June 6th, 1944 Involved three airborne divisions, plus six Allied infantry divisions Opened a second front

15 D-Day

16 Endgame: Europe By late summer 1944, American troops are streaming across France, toward Germany Germans temporarily halt the US advance during the Battle of the Bulge, then it’s on to Berlin The war in Europe ends on May 8, 1945 However, Allied troops marching through Germany discover the Holocaust

17 The Holocaust The Holocaust was Hitler’s plan to create “racial purity” for his “master race” Meant the elimination (on a massive scale) of all European Jews Also killed Slavs, Gypsies, homosexuals, disabled persons, and many others

18 Images of the “Final Solution”

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