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Chapter 4: Dimensions, Hierarchies, Operations, Modeling

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1 Chapter 4: Dimensions, Hierarchies, Operations, Modeling
Prof. Bayer, DWH, Ch.4, SS 2000

2 Chapter 4.1 Hierarchical Dimensions
Def: Hierarchical Dimensions are composite keys with an order on the key attributes. Prefixes are allowed as keys. Ex: dimension Time = ( Year, Month, Day) legal keys are: (Year) or (Year, Month) or (Year, Month, Day) Def: Basic facts are values in cells with full foreign keys Prof. Bayer, DWH, Ch.4, SS 2000

3 Aggregations, Summaries
Def: Aggregations are facts in cells with partial keys. These facts are derived by aggregation functions. In a cube with derived facts the aggregation function must be specified. Ex: Sales on a monthly basis Sales (Year, Month) = S Sales (Year, Month, Days) Aggregation Functions: count, sum, avg, min, max, ... Prof. Bayer, DWH, Ch.4, SS 2000

4 Note on Aggregations Aggregations may be stored explicitely in the cube, but then they should be secured by integrity constraints Aggregations may be virtual and must be computed on demand when needed i.e., classical tradeoff between storage space, performance, flexibility Prof. Bayer, DWH, Ch.4, SS 2000

5 Relational Modeling Expand and complete partial key by ALL
(Year, Month, ALL) (ALL, Month, ALL) (ALL, ALL, ALL) to obtain simple and complete relational keys via special symbol ALL Question: SQL to compute complete cube with all aggregations from base-cube? Prof. Bayer, DWH, Ch.4, SS 2000

6 Hierarchy Example Prof. Bayer, DWH, Ch.4, SS 2000

7 Chapter 4.2: OLAP Operations
Def: Roll-up computes higher aggregations from lower aggregations or base facts according to hierarchies Ex: for base facts (Year, Month, Day) there are 3 roll-up functions: Roll-up (Year, Month, ALL) Roll-up (Year, ALL, ALL) Roll-up (ALL, ALL, ALL) which are supported in general (canonical roll-ups) Prof. Bayer, DWH, Ch.4, SS 2000

8 therefore 23 -1 aggregations or in general 2m -1 aggregations
Additional Roll-ups: (ALL, Month, ALL) etc. therefore aggregations or in general 2m -1 aggregations for m hierarchy levels Note: see later chapters for the support of arbitrary aggregations Note: for m dimensions with h1, h2, hierarchy levels there are different aggregations for a given aggregation function. Prof. Bayer, DWH, Ch.4, SS 2000

9 Dim1: (4, 5) = cardinality of the dimension levels Dim2: (6, 7, 2)
Size of base cube 2-dim example Dim1: (4, 5) = cardinality of the dimension levels Dim2: (6, 7, 2) (4 5) ( 6 7 2) = Size of base cube 42 20 84 Prof. Bayer, DWH, Ch.4, SS 2000

10 Size of hierarchically aggregated Cube
4 - 6 7 2 336 5 840 84 168 120 42 24 20 1 Number of cells per aggregation function 1645 Prof. Bayer, DWH, Ch.4, SS 2000

11 Size of completely aggregated cube
4 5 6 7 2 | 1 2 7 14 24 24 x 6 =144 168 5 x 168 = x x 1008 = x 1008 = = 5040 : : Prof. Bayer, DWH, Ch.4, SS 2000

12 Computation with binary Tree
4 5 1 20 4 1 6 1 6 24 120 20 4 1 1 1 7 7 1 7 7 20 168 24 28 4 140 840 120 2 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 1 2 120 140 40 20 336 168 48 24 56 28 8 4 1680 840 240 280 Prof. Bayer, DWH, Ch.4, SS 2000

13 Size of the Cube Lemma: Given a data cube with m dimensions with h1, ..., hm hierarchy levels resp. Let the hierarchy levels of dimension i have Then the base cube has and the cube with all aggregations has Prof. Bayer, DWH, Ch.4, SS 2000

14 Size of the Cube (2) The aggregated cube is larger than the base cube by the factor Prof. Bayer, DWH, Ch.4, SS 2000

15 Size of the hierarchically aggregated Cube
For a hierarchy i with hi levels and there are hierarchical aggregation possibilities , i.e. Lemma: A hierarchically completely aggregated data cube has Prof. Bayer, DWH, Ch.4, SS 2000

16 size of the hierarchically aggregated cube plus base cube
Ex: (4 5) ( ) size of the hierarchically aggregated cube plus base cube = ( ) * ( ) = 25 * 133 = 3325 Ex: (4 5) ( ) ( 8 3) size of base cube: 40,320 hierarchically aggregated cube plus base: = ( ) * ( ) * ( ) = 3325 * 33 = 109,725 Prof. Bayer, DWH, Ch.4, SS 2000

17 hierarchically aggregated cube plus base:
Ex: (4 5) ( ) ( 8 3) (5 9) size of base cube: 1 814,400 hierarchically aggregated cube plus base: = 109,725 * ( ) = 5 595,975 Prof. Bayer, DWH, Ch.4, SS 2000

18 Additional comments on aggregations
1. In addition to the size of the complete cube there is a factor of 5 for the various aggregation functions, e.g. sum, avg, min, max, count, ... 2. So far we did not consider general restrictions, e.g. „all Saturdays in March“ or „vacation months July and August“, which cross bounds of hierarchy levels Interactive query formulation results in an unlimited number of aggregations Optimization: restrictions corresponding to hierarchy levels shoud be pushed down, since they lead to query boxes Prof. Bayer, DWH, Ch.4, SS 2000

19 Roll-up (Year, Month, ALL) Roll-up (Year, ALL, ALL)
Note: See later chapters for multidimensional indexes and MHC techniques and optimization of ROLAP-algebra to support hierarchical canonical aggregations like Roll-up (Year, Month, ALL) Roll-up (Year, ALL, ALL) Roll-up (ALL, ALL, ALL) but not Roll-up ( ALL, Month, ALL) Prof. Bayer, DWH, Ch.4, SS 2000

20 Non-hierarchical aggregation, e.g. March for all years
Optimization Problem Non-hierarchical aggregation, e.g. March for all years decompose into union of several restrictions, e.g. S Sales (Year, Month, Day) where Month = March and (Year = 1996 or Year = 1997 or Year = 1998) see later for translation into ROLAP expression and transformations for optimization Prof. Bayer, DWH, Ch.4, SS 2000

21 Aggregation for month e.g. by covering QB of weeks and postfiltering
Multiple Hierarchies e.g. the time hierarchy Aggregation for month e.g. by covering QB of weeks and postfiltering Prof. Bayer, DWH, Ch.4, SS 2000

22 Navigation Operations
Drill Down: first show single result for aggregated value, e.g. sales per day, then show: hourly values for days with very high or very low sales in order to plan working hours for sales people better Other Examples: daily sales during Christmas season vacation bookings for skiing on fasching Prof. Bayer, DWH, Ch.4, SS 2000

23 Roll-up: Compute Aggregations
Prof. Bayer, DWH, Ch.4, SS 2000

24 Slicing Selection of a smaller data cube or even reduction of a multidimensional datacube to fewer dimensions by a point restriction in some dimension (becomes pivot element) Prof. Bayer, DWH, Ch.4, SS 2000

25 Dicing (würfeln) rotate result, to show another view, e.g. exchanging rows and columns Slice management precomputing and caching of several slices for later or special use, e.g. for a special sales person Prof. Bayer, DWH, Ch.4, SS 2000

26 Chapter 4.3 Modeling Purpose: analysis of business processes, characteristic facts (Kennzahlen) for managers to support decisions (DSS) Steps of Decision Process: 1. Which business processes to model and analyze? 2. What are the measures, where do they come from? 3. Which degree of details, e.g. minutes like in SAP? Which precision is required for OLAP? 4. Common properties of measures to determine dimensions? Brand, Time, geogr. Region, Productgroup? Dependencies between levels of hierarchies? Prof. Bayer, DWH, Ch.4, SS 2000

27 5. Attributes of dimensions, e.g. screen size of TV cc and PS for cars
focal length for camera Problem: how common are properties and dimensions? Non common properties cannot be modeled by levels of dimensions, are called features at GfK (up to 50), are numbered with meaning dependent on specific dimension element, e.g. TV: screen size color audio system Car: transmission cc PS #cyl ... Prof. Bayer, DWH, Ch.4, SS 2000

28 6. Constant or changing attributes of dimensions? E.g.
New models of car makers new powersource: electrical, hydrogen, solar attributes are rather stable, but still should be planned ahead! (mergers like Daimler-Crysler) 7. Sparsity: one hypercube or several, i.e. multicube model? Influences storage requirements, query formulation and performance, cannot be hidden easily from user, maybe by views? Prof. Bayer, DWH, Ch.4, SS 2000

29 8. Caching and management of aggregates?
Number of aggregates Maintenance costs Avg. Response time 100% 0% Total costs Time Optimal Number of aggregates Prof. Bayer, DWH, Ch.4, SS 2000

30 Chapter 4.4 Comparison of OLAP Architectures
MOLAP: Multidimensional OLAP ROLAP: Relational OLAP 3. HOLAP: Hybrid OLAP Prof. Bayer, DWH, Ch.4, SS 2000

31 MOLAP Architecture Prof. Bayer, DWH, Ch.4, SS 2000

32 MDDBMS in ANSI-X3-Sparc
Prof. Bayer, DWH, Ch.4, SS 2000

33 Logical components of a MDDBMS
Prof. Bayer, DWH, Ch.4, SS 2000

34 ROLAP Architecture Prof. Bayer, DWH, Ch.4, SS 2000

35 HOLAP Architecture Prof. Bayer, DWH, Ch.4, SS 2000

36 flexible precomputations, partial aggregates parallelism
Reasons for MOLAP performance write access Data Marts functional power Reasons for ROLAP scalability flexible precomputations, partial aggregates parallelism DB-mamagement and ACID Prof. Bayer, DWH, Ch.4, SS 2000

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