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Instructions to get MAX PLUS running

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1 Instructions to get MAX PLUS running
Install MAX Plus. Go to Options -> License Setup. Specify the location where license.dat file is stored. Click OK.

2 Anindya IE CSE

3 Hdl An HDL is used to describe hardware rather than a program to be executed on a computer.

4 vHdl VHDL is a complex, sophisticated language. It is used to describe the structure of complex digital circuits.

5 How to write a VHDL code Declare input and output signals. This is done using a construct called entity. The inputs and output signals are called its ports.

6 How to write a VHDL code The circuit’s functionality must be specified with a VHDL construct called architecture.

7 Using MAX Plus II File -> Project -> Name…
Set the directory to C:\max2work. Give a proper project name. Choose Text Editor from Max Plus II dropdown menu. Save the file with .vhd extension, and with the same name as project.

8 Component declaration
It uses syntax similar to that in an entity declaration. This statement allows an entity to be used as a component (subcircuit) in the architecture body.

9 Instantiation statements
Each statement begins with an instance name, followed by the colon character. The names must be unique. The colon is followed by the name of the component, and then the keyword port map.

10 Assignment statements
To assign logic values to signals. Types: Concurrent assignment statements Sequential assignment statements

11 Concurrent assignment statements
Simple assignment statements Selected signal assignment With … select … when Conditional signal assignment … when … Generate statements For … in … generate … end generate

12 Sequential assignment statements
Process statement If … then Case Statement Case … is when … … when others: … end case;

13 ‘Event An attribute refers to a property of an object, such as a signal. In this case the ‘EVENT attribute refers to any change in the signal.


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