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Faith Works to Produce Hope

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Presentation on theme: "Faith Works to Produce Hope"— Presentation transcript:

1 Faith Works to Produce Hope
Studies in the Epistle of James Faith Works to Produce Hope

2 Faith and Hope

3 Famous Combination Heb. 11:1

4 What is Hope? A feeling of expectation and desire for a certain thing to happen

5 In This Life… What do you hope for (desire)?
Why do you expect these things to happen?

6 What Do We Desire Spiritually?
Eternal Life in God’s Presence Why do we expect this?

7 1. God Has Promised Eternal Life
Matt. 19:29 inherit eternal life John 3:14-15 whoever believes in Him… I Tim. 6:12 we were called to eternal life Titus 3:3-7 By His grace we become heirs Titus 1:2 God promised eternal life Eternal Life is Real and can be ours!

8 2. God is Trustworthy James 1:17 No Variableness
Heb. 13:8 The same today, yesterday, and forever John 17:17 God’s word is truth

9 3. God is Love! God is Merciful!
I John 4:8 God is Love Rom. 11:22 Goodness and Severity of God Ps. 145:9 God has mercy over all He has made Ps. 103:17 God’s love is eternal I Pet. 5:7 God cares for us Heb. 8:10 They shall be my people Eph. 2:1-7

10 4. God Doesn’t Want Us to Perish (He wants us to Succeed!)
II Pet. 3:9 Not Willing that any should perish I Cor. 10:13 God makes a way to escape temptation Josh. 1:8 You will have good success Rom. 8:37-39 We are conquerors through Him Ps.35:27 God delights in our welfare Ps. 23 God is constantly caring for us

11 5. God Has Already Paid the Price
I John 2:1-2 Jesus is our propitiation Propitiation signifies the removal of wrath by the offering of a gift Rom. 5:8 Christ died for us while we were still sinners John 3:16 For God so loved…

12 Conclusion All the reason we listed are because of God!
I Pet. 1:17-21 Your faith and hope are in God Gal. 2:20 I live by faith in the Son Eph. 2:8 Salvation is God’s gift to us I Pet. 1:3 living hope, kept by God’s power

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