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The Blitz The Blitz was when Hitler sent planes over Britain to try to take over it. He bombed London and Birmingham and other big cities.

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Presentation on theme: "The Blitz The Blitz was when Hitler sent planes over Britain to try to take over it. He bombed London and Birmingham and other big cities."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Blitz The Blitz was when Hitler sent planes over Britain to try to take over it. He bombed London and Birmingham and other big cities.

2 The Germans used anti-aircraft guns to shoot the planes down .

3 bombs Bombs were used to blow up buildings and cities and houses. There were different types of bombs including V1s, V2s and incendiary devices. The bombs in WW2 killed lots of people.

4 or otherwise you will die .
planes If you see a doodle bug which is a very big plane which has no pilot and a lot of bombs you need to go to a air raid shelter and be quick or otherwise you will die .

5 Evacuation If your kids go to a different home its
for their own good. Do not worry for they are in good hands. Because our workers do not make mistakes

6 shelter If you here the air raid siren run to your shelter quick or you will be killed. Have some kind of food and a flask of tea by the door so if the air raid alarm goes of you can though straight to your shelter

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