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Identifying Types of Government

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1 Identifying Types of Government
Through an examination of the emergence of Athenian Democracy

2 The Rise of Democracy Prior to Athens, most governments were monarchies or theocracies. Theocracy – government ruled by religious leaders Athens was the world’s first democracy. This means “rule by the people.” In a democracy people get to create the laws and elect the rulers they live under. But Athens did not start as a democracy - it was a long road taking several hundred years.

3 The Rise of Democracy Athens was first a monarchy.
This is rule by a king. In a monarchy a king inherits his power. He is not elected. Remember Dynasty? Also, citizens have no role in their government.

4 The Rise of Democracy Next Athens became an oligarchy.
This is a government ruled by a few wealthy landowners. Wealthy landowners are sometimes called aristocrats or nobles. It was during this time that Draco instituted his harsh set of laws. An example of such harsh laws: loitering (hanging out on the streets with no place to go) was punishable by death! This is during the 600s BC. The image is a 409/8 B.C. copy of the Draconian laws (7th cent. B.C.), concerning homicide. Think of Draco Malfoy from the Harry Potter movies...a bully!

5 The Rise of Democracy Unhappy with the strict laws of the aristocrats, a noble overthrew the oligarchy with military force and established himself as the sole leader. This is called a tyrant… …a leader who holds power by military force. Today “tyrant” has a harsh meaning to it, but in Athens the tyrants were popular. Today a “dictator” is often a leader who holds power by military force. Miltiades (c ): Athenian nobleman, commander and politician, famous for his victory at Marathon. He is one of the tyrants of Athens.

6 The Rise of Democracy An aristocrat named Cleisthenes established Athens as the world’s first democracy. He allowed all citizens* of Athens to participate in the Assembly which made and voted on all Greek laws. “citizen” is defined on next slide

7 Who are Athenian citizens?
Free males Born in Athens Have served two years in the military And are 20 years of age Compare that to “citizens” in our country! You of course can be a citizen...but it doesn’t mean you can participate in our government yet.

8 The Rise of Democracy Pericles will eventually lead Athens to democracy at its height. Every citizen* was able to meet, make, debate and then vote on laws. This is called a DIRECT DEMOCRACY because citizens* participate directly! They run the government! Understand how revolutionary this is. No longer is one man (king, tyrant, dictator) in charge of making government decisions. We the people get to rule ourselves! That is what makes democracy so amazing.

9 Review… Define the following: Theocracy – Democracy - Monarchy -
Aristocrat - Oligarchy - Tyranny (dictator) - Direct Democracy – How are the citizens’ roles different in a monarchy than in a democracy?

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