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Senior Citizens and Exercise

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1 Senior Citizens and Exercise
Presented by: Lauren Martin

2 Why, Exercise? Maintain proper health and fitness
After age of 25 your total body strength decreases 4% every decade Decreases Arthritis, Heart Disease, Diabetes, and Depression

3 How Often Every day! If you don’t use it you will lose it!
10,000 steps or 30 minutes of exercise

4 Types of Workouts Yoga, Water Aerobics, Stretching, Cardio, Tai Chi, and Light Weight Training are best for seniors

5 Why Resistance Training?
Improves functional strength and flexibility Increases bone mass and density Build muscle strength Lower body fat Reduce resting blood pressure Reduce lower back pain Increase serotonin the “feel good” hormone

6 Examples Start at the bottom and work way up
Break up workouts (focus on different muscles groups) Have fun music playing in background

7 Before Engaging Remember to always have them consult with their physician before starting any new type of exercises If they are having trouble breathing, get dizzy, can’t see, or it hurts: HAVE THEM STOP “No pain no gain” does not apply to seniors

8 Warm up Prevents injury, reduces soreness, and increases flexibly
Deep Breathing Neck stretch Shrugs Anything that gets the blood flowing

9 Ankles Why ankles? Stability and balance Standing on one leg (balance)
Calf raises Flexion/Pointe Ankle circles

10 Calves Stabilize ankles and feet Power to lift feet Seated calf raises
Knee circles Calf stretch hands against chair (legs straight)

11 Quadriceps Quad weakness is predictive of fall risks in seniors
Associated with worsening knee pain over time Knee extensions/flexions Squats/ Lunges

12 Gluteus Maximus Beat back pain (stabilizes the pelvis and keeps integrity of movement in hips) Prevent knee pain (keeps pelvis stable from swaying side to side) The Big Squeeze Sit to Stand Leg Lifts/Swings

13 Back Stabilize the spine and pelvis Better posture Happy Birthday Test
Reverse Fly Bent-over Row/Single-Arm Row Pull-Down

14 Abdominals Abs attach to spine and pelvis, helping balance your back in good posture Assists with sitting, standing, and walking Keeps you balances at your center of gravity Reverse chair crunch Lift both feet together March in place

15 Pectoral Muscles Works with neck, shoulder, and arms to produce power and movement Stability for shoulders Dumbbell Press Push Out Dips in chair Chest Fly's

16 Shoulders Lifting groceries, household chores, cooking, passing salt across the table Make arm movements easier Shoulder Rolls Resistance Bands Standing Row Straight Arm Lift

17 Arms Lifting any object Biceps/Triceps Arm circles
Don’t forget about the wrists!

18 Neck Flexion: Chin to the chest Extension: Chin away from chest
Lateral Flexion: Side to side, ear to shoulder Rotation: Look to right and left Neck circles

19 Cool down/stretch Reduce heart and breathing rates
Gradually cool body temperatures Stretch! Work from top to bottom End with several deep breaths In through the nose out through the mouth

20 Other Options Home Health Therapy Covered by Medicare 100%
Strengthens muscles

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